Sunday, January 08, 2012

Our Kai / 我們家的阿楷


A few days ago when I Skyped with Mom, our 2.5-year-old Kai sat next to her. I asked him if he wants to go to school. Mom cut in to say that he can't because he still wears diapers. He turned to her saying in a very dashing way, "I'll grow up pretty soon." Kai's language ability has progressed so much that he never fails to give me surprises. How cute...


Next Mom told me another anecdote about how Kai made his granddad get over his anger by forcing him to read a picture book on bad mood. Have you ever seen such an adorable kid?


Auntie Wanda dreams of giving Kai a super big hug day and night, but it has to be saved for the coming summer. For the time being let me record the story first.


This story also reminds me to work hard on writing picture books. Children's life will thus change because of me...


shangyu said...

對呀!阿楷的這個事蹟,真的是不管誰聽到,都佩服不已,只有他能治得了阿公公 :p

Julian Murmur said...


Weichuen You said...

