Sunday, January 01, 2012

Dolce Vita / 甜蜜人生


I've visited two branch stores of the renowned dessert shops Auguszt over the past two days. It's fantastic to draw an end to year 2011 in such a sweet manner. I do not want to keep all the happiness all to myself, so I want to share it with everyone in half an hour before this year is over.

這是山上的分店,叫Auguszt Pavilion,很有陽明山的感覺。

This is the shop on the hill called Auguszt Pavilion. It feels so much like Yangmingshan. 


Quick sketches on the glass door. 


Auguszt was founded in 1870. It has been run by five generations. Carol said that most of the time the cafe is bustling with visitors. When we went in the evening, there were only two ladies. We enjoyed the quiet atmosphere and beautiful view. 


A tableful of desserts would cost a fortune in the UK, but it's totally affordable here. 


Carol "imported" this kind of cake for me when she went back to Taipei one year. This time I came to Budapest to savor it in person. 


Traveling to Budapest has had a huge influence on me. I have the feeling that I led a very passive life in London. After returning, I have to make best use of the resources available because I'll leave soon. 


The first Auguszt cafe located near the Mammut mall. 


The beigli in the picture is a must-eat for Christmas in Hungary. 


Tempting macarons. 


In Hungary, it's a tradition to eat pork on New Year's Day for good luck. Pigs are a symbol of progress because they root themselves in the ground before pushing forward. I'd like to have the cute pink pig cakes say "Happy New Year" to everyone. Also, great thanks to my family and friends for giving me such a fantabulous 2011! 

奧古斯都甜點店網站 / website of Auguszt :

1 comment:

shangyu said...


真想吃吃看 :p