Sunday, September 18, 2011

class / 階級


When I first went to the States 12 years ago, I would attend parties held by the dorm mates out of curiosity in the beginning. But I am by no means a party animal. Afterwards, I did my best to stay away from any party unless my classmates told me that I could get a free meal including cheese and wine.

週六晚上Brooke Hall辦了個趴,雖然我性不喜喧鬧場合,我深知出席的必要性,不然我應該很快就會在宿舍裡掉入孤獨的淵藪。

There was a mingling party in Brooke Hall on Saturday evening. Though I always feel ill at ease in parties, I was deeply aware of the necessity for me to show up or I'd soon fall into the abyss of isolation in this hall.


As the party was about to start, I saw the boys in my building come back and forth. I felt guilty about always sitting at my desk without contributing anything, so I grabbed my munchies, opened the door and asked him if he needed a hand. He didn't turn me down, but he didn't tell me what to do. Thus I slowly walked into the common room with embarrassment. The two white girls sitting on the sofa watching TV had no clue what to say to a Taiwanese auntie. After putting down the snacks, I pretended to look around, even attempting to sit down and watch TV with them. Well, we were all devoured by the awkward silence, so I figured it might be a relief for me to leave.


Fortunately, when the party began, a group of mature girls appeared outside the common room. I wondered if they planned everything. Though I had tasted failure this evening, I was far from discouraged.


Friends know that I don't drink at all, but the ambience at that moment was so jolly. When the party planner passed me a bottle of beer, I took it without any hesitation. Afterwards, my new acquaintance missy Singapore asked if I did that to look nice, I admitted to her the truth. I was already a pretty easygoing person in the past, but now I am definitely the champion in the competition for the most easygoing lady in the world, or in the universe. Like what J told me, many people smoke not purely because they have to live on it. Another reason is that it's a means for them to mingle with certain people. I totally agree with her, and the young smokers that gather in front of my window several times a day are the best proof to support her argument. 


I talked most of the time to only two Asian girls in the party. Instead of being in a group, I prefer to get to know a person well. In the end, I spent most of the time conversing with Charmy, a Taiwanese teenager. My nightmare finally became the reality. She is half my age, which is to say, I can be her mom. Still, I had to keep my facade of elegance instead of revealing any sign of panic that a middle-aged woman feel when compared with a relatively young female. Charmy's term has started. She told me about the courses and assignments. Later we got to everyday lives. She is certainly a very special kid. Though she is only 17, she keeps good hours like me. Also, she maintains a light diet. I guess God was trying to comfort me, sending the message that age won't necessarily form any huge gap. 


However, there is a very gigantic difference between us. I had the feeling that Charmy comes from a very well-off family while I request myself to be financially independent. 


Over the past ten days, I have been taking this class elevator up and down, witnessing some classes in the London society. For me, I will be exposed to not only kids from wealthy families at school but also social circles outside the school. I don't belong to any class because seriously speaking, given the expenses I can afford per month, I will definitely be eligible for government pension. Being able to define my position, I do not attach emotion or desire to any class. On the contrary, when socializing with different people, I do my best to experience their lives without formerly-formed bias. 


I, of course, understand the importance of material life. But over the past few months, I've often posed the question, "If certain materials I am so used to in life were taken away, would I survive?" For example, would I feel bad about not buying picture books as freely as possible? I am not against a fixed pattern of life; yet, I want to walk out of my comfort zone to see what I am capable of. 

有些樓友發現我每天洗澡洗到被燙傷,很羨慕地說:一定是你把熱水用完,因為你第一個起床,有無限的熱水使用量,我那裡要等十分鐘才有熱水可用。我當下不禁想:我從來到英國之後的經歷,套多明尼克的話,我簡直就是中大獎了,連查米看起來也很羨慕我住一樓、付標準房的錢卻住大房、還得到PK的大獎,換算成階級,我一定是Brooke Hall的上流社會。

Some floor mates found that I am almost burned by the boiling hot shower water every day, saying to me with green envy, "You must be the person that uses up all the hot water because as the first person to wake up in the morning, you have access to unlimited hot water." When I looked back on what had happened to me during the past ten days, I literally "hit the jackpot," quoting from Dominic. Even Charmy envies me for getting a ground-floor room, having a large room with the expenses of a regular room, not to speak of PK's big prize. If I translate this all into the class system, I must be the upper class in Brooke Hall. 


While chatting with Charmy, I secretly observed others in the common room. I don't know if they were as prim as me when it comes to dancing, yet with fire burning inside them. Anyway, this was a very sedentary party. The techno music killed our ears,  but there was only a hyper girl moving to the music for a few seconds. Her passion was then extinguished by the overpowering force of others' stillness. 


After Charmy left, I grabbed a pack of snacks though I didn't feel especially hungry. I thought since I was there, I might as well drink a free can of coke. Watching people go away in twos and threes, it was time for me to go back to the room. Upon opening the door, I was gobsmacked to see another HUGE ring of kids sitting outside, right in front of my window. 


After coming home, I felt the need to exercise, so I got on to Youtube, dancing to SNSD's song. At that instant, outside the window the kids partied on, but inside it my hot dancing hour. Who says there is a class difference of age between us? 


The following morning after the party, I got up at 7:30 am and made my first cup of English breakfast tea. You can feel the warm air even by looking at the picture. As for the party-goers, they were still in the embrace of sleep... 


PS: After I finished the 3rd image, it occurred to me that I drew something similar, with me and Von dancing crazily in my room, on the blank postcard of Tate that Hui had brought back to Taiwan for me. 


Jasmine said...

Dear Miss You:

shaggy said...


Anonymous said...




Weichuen You said...

Jasmine: My favorite is Genie, though I don't have long legs!

Shaggy: 是啊,我們這種好人的光輝最後就會照亮大地,我昨天還出去幫社監掃那些死小孩抽完的煙蒂耶!


Anonymous said...




Shorty修替他娘 said...

Hey, party girl!XD