Sunday, September 04, 2011

on and on / 停不了

出國倒數五天,本來計劃這幾天東西要開始收拾,Etsy的My Little Room暫時不要上新貨,但是每天腦筋轉啊轉的,一個想法引到下一個想法,居然睡五個多小時也不覺得累。再加上前幾天非常幸運了得到三筆交易,我又去美術行採購了一堆東西,我和好幾個朋友說,我的房間現在充滿一袋一袋的貨品,說是野田妹的房間也不為過。昨天終於硬著頭皮把東西裝箱,果然裝不下,於是我又跑回去畫畫當作是逃避。

I am starting to count down days before leaving. Today is my fifth last day in Taiwan. I planned to clean my room and desk. More importantly, I knew I shouldn't come up with new items on my Etsy webpage for the time being. But I can't stop my brain from turning. One idea develops into another automatically. I don't even feel tired even though I sleep so much less than usual. Besides, I was very very lucky to land three deals during the weekend, which made me go shopping in the art supply shop. Now my room is full of bags of things I bought, which reminds me of Nodame's messy space. Yesterday I finally pulled myself together to pack, and I couldn't put in everything! It was kind of frustrating so I went back to paint as a getaway.


Now I've come to the part of wrapping an artwork and mailing it out. That is very different from posting a new item on my web shop. I've read many newsletters from Etsy and other sellers' tips. I learned I have to view customers as my family. When I wrap their order, I have to do it with sincerity and love. As a matter of fact, it might take me more time to wrap than to create, but it's necessary to invest so much time and energy. I hope that when my customer receives the work, they'll wow with joy. Most of all, I hope the package will make his/her day. I'll constantly think, my unique work is hung somewhere in the world, which is a very important recognition for me. Like what Caterina said, I have to convey the message that  I do not create just for fun now. I am taking it very seriously. This morning when I was discussing a potential item with Mom, I asked her about options of other colors. She said, "Different combinations will attract different people." I replied, "Well, but first of all, it has to convince me. How can I promote something that I don't even have confidence in?"


I want to thank you all, especially those who keep giving me a hand without giving me up. I'll persist with hard work, humility, sincerity and ambition. Now it's all for work!

本日一物:啟程去─原創抽象水彩畫作─39.6 cm x 27 cm

object of the day: set to sail--original abstract watercolor painting--39.6 cm x 27 cm


I do intend to repeat the themes or styles of popular items, but my inspirations are out of control. So the items in my web shop vary greatly in all aspects. When I think of my life now, I find the change really interesting. I'd thought I would feel lost without a 9-to-5 job when I was still teaching. But then some girls told me that I would have a blast. I wasn't so sure then, but it looks like they did know me well. For the time being, I am going to sail in a different direction. Whatever happens in the future, I'm living the present moment to its fullest, and I will be thankful forever for such a beautiful life experience. 

1 comment:

Grace Tan said...


"我曾經有一個小房間, 和你一起。
是我的秘密, 他們不知道。


裡面的空氣很新鮮, 外面的世界, 空氣混濁得不像話。
裡面有陽光和藍天, 外面的世界都在下雨。
裡面像回到了家, 外面的世界很大, 卻無路可去。
裡面有溫暖的相見歡和陪伴, 外面的世界人很多, 可是很寂寞。
裡面可以飛翔, 外面的世界有掙扎也沒有用的地心引力。
裡面有你對我說的話, 悅耳的像唱歌, 外面的世界長篇大論眾說紛紜, 言不及義。
裡面有和你在一起的快樂, 會心一笑的暢快, 有雀躍, 有藏不住的興奮, 那些討人厭的憤怒, 幼稚的忌妒, 淹死人的眼淚都被關在外面。

這是我的秘密, 我不給他們知道, 他們找不到。

