Friday, September 02, 2011


每次推出一個產品之後,我得放慢腳步好好搜集靈感。今天本來計畫一早起來寫寫書法,修身養性, 想不到打開信箱就發現我的第一筆交易!小雪在客廳忙弟弟婚禮弄得焦頭爛額,我卻忍不住抱著她又叫又跳,之後忙了一整天,終於把顧客的貨品寄出去。

Every time when I have brought forth a new item, I have to take my time the next day to collect inspirations. I had planned a relaxing morning for writing calligraphy to stay zen, but when I opened my email box, guess what? I received my FIRST transaction order! Mom was busy preparing Jei's wedding in the living room. I couldn't help jumping and shouting at her. It took me a whole day to prepare the package and mail it to my first customer.


Lately I have been less obsessed with my gray hair. When taking a shower, I even say thanks to them. It's they that help me come up with so many good ideas. 


By this evening, I had won my lucky star's help and got my second deal. I am really in seventh heaven today! I'll head into tomorrow with more zeal!


shaggy said...


constance wong said...

I'm so happy to read about the purchases! More to come i'm sure!

Hey, you'll be going to UK to study soon? what will you be taking? Art related? Don't be stressed or worried, i'm sure your knees and 'heart' will be fine!

gotta rush to work now! have a great weekend!

Darrent said...


Weichuen You said...
