Thursday, December 29, 2011

Muvesz / 咖啡店裡的大團圓


I had Gyros for lunch, but a serving could be my lunch and dinner. 


I planned to Skype with my family during my afternoon tea session, so I chose Muvesz on Andrassy Avenue. I hade made sure in advance if there is access to Internet. 


As usual, a piece of extremely sweet chocolate cake had to go with a cup of very sweet hot chocolate. 


I turned the webcam around so that my family could enjoy a complete view of the cafe. The three middle-aged men sitting next to me couldn't help saying hello to Von and Kai. Even Dad, who isn't very patient when it comes to Skyping, was influenced by the beautiful feel of the cafe. He sat down to ask me many questions concerning Hungary. 


It was totally satisfying to draw for three whole hours after seeing my dear family!

1 comment:

shangyu said...
