Wednesday, November 23, 2011

a hug / 一個擁抱


I have driven myself to a dead end these two days doing the Romeo and Juliet assignment. With every minute passing, I am still so far away from my goal. I can't start to feel worried and anxious. 


This morning I went to the practitioners' talk on how to influence public behavior with design. Derek said something as part of the conclusion--most art majors nowadays bury themselves in producing beautiful images without interacting with others by means of art. His words hit me hard because I was reminded of myself. Tatiana, who sat next to me, also appeared to be under much stress. Before the speech, I only thought of myself, but I had a quick talk with her after the speech. I offered her a hug for I was in need of it too. I thus gained plenty of vibes from it. 


After I came home, I received a surprise packet from Lori. Yesterday I also got greetings from Shaggy. Thank you everyone. I should take a step out of my little room and think of others. After all, giving itself is an act of getting!


shaggy said...


Lori said...


love you :)

Weichuen You said...

shaggy: 如果用付出來算的話,我的確是富翁。

Susu: 真的很謝謝你,我已經開始看了!

shangyu said...
