Monday, November 21, 2005

Small giant



We just celebrated my grandma's 80th birthday. Every time I see her, she seems to shrink some more. The sight always makes my heart jerk out of nostalgia for her youth. Meanwhile, I am amazed at how 80 years of memories can be stored in such a little body. Grandma is illiterate. Taiwanese is the only language she speaks. She gave birth to five daughters, which was considered really awful achievement for a woman in her times. On the other hand, she spent almost all her life with someone she hated. She suffered the loss of her son. She manages to survive in the company of her maid at the age of 80. I am bigger than Granny, I travel around the world, I speak more than four languages, but when I stand next to her, I am pathetically simple.

As Grandma becomes more and more tiny, she witnesses the incredible growth her grandchildren. While she is surprised at the speedy change of young people, Grandmama's small body and giant soul never fail to move me.


Ellen said...

Reminds me of my grandson. Cute!

...just me! said...

Very good drawing!

Weichuen You said...

Hey guys, thanks a lot. I know my topic is not special, but when I drew it, I kept thinking of my grandmama...

valerie walsh said...

this is a wonderfully sweet and magical story! I love it and your illo!

carla said...

What a touching story and a perfect illustration to go with it. It is fascinating how different your life is from your grandmother's...times change what people do and where they can go, but nothing has changed the love and respect you feel for her. That's very beautiful.

陳花 said...

