Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Caterina's Chinese words / 凱特的中國字


I mentioned wanting to learn Italian back in August, and meanwhile Caterina said she'd like to learn Chinese. I am always known for my efficiency in taking action, but this time Caterina beat me. She has signed up for Chinese language courses. 


I've wanted to do a book on Chinese words. I asked Caterina to list ten favorite words. Today I tried to brainstorm for solutions. Chinese words are rich in images themselves, so there must be a lot of ways to create the pictures. 


To begin with, I experimented with the word "thanks." I asked my family a question. If every Chinese character is endowed with a color, which color will you give to "thanks?" 


While we were drawing and partying, Kai fell from his chair. I used an abandoned cardboard to draw a portrait of him shedding tears in pain. Though he had kept saying I made him look really ugly, he still insisted on taking the artwork home at the end of the day...


Julian Murmur said...


Weichuen You said...
