Yesterday when I watched the introduction of the London University of Arts, I was impressed by a sir saying that he created out of cravings cravings and cravings at the end of the video clip. I thus can’t get the words out of my mind. This probably has something to do with my recent fit of cravings, some of which can be immediately satisfied while the others are nothing more than wishful thinking. I decide to turn all my cravings into an image and a little game. I hope I can start all over again after saying them out loud.
If you are bored, please choose a person in the following picture to see if you have the same dilemma as me. Also, select a number that pleases you to see if you have any subconscious longing.
1. 想要吃掉整個香蕉蛋糕
1. craving to eat up a whole banana cake
2. 想要見到一個很久沒見的朋友
2. craving to see a friend whom you haven’t met for eons
3. 想到陽光普照的南法度假
3. craving to take a vacation to sunny southern France
4. 想要感受抱著一個一歲小朋友的溫暖
4. craving to hug a one-year-old baby and feel its warmth
5. 想要明天睡到自然醒
5. craving to sleep in tomorrow
6. 想要不告而別,躲到沒有熟人的世界
6. craving to leave without saying goodbye and hide in a world where no one knows you
7. 想要聞到義大利高級皮革
7. craving to smell high-class Italian leather
8. 想要參加一場婚禮
8. craving to be in a wedding
9. 想要毫無限制地購物
9. craving to go on a shopping spree
10. 想要在六星級的山泉旅館泡溫泉
10. craving to take a hot-spring bath in a six-star resort hotel
11. 想要來一頓艾美酒店的主廚特選早餐
11. craving to have a classic chef breakfast in Le Méridien
12. 想要對某人說我愛你
12. craving to say “I love you” to someone
13. 想要某家小餐廳的白牆上胡亂畫
13. craving to doodle on the white wall of a small restaurant
14. 想要在下雨的傍晚去公園淋雨散步
14. craving to take a walk in the rain on a rainy evening
15. 想要在高鐵的車廂裡大聲唱詹姆斯布朗的「你是如此美麗」
15. craving to sing James Blunt’s “You are so beautiful” in High Speed Rail
16. 想要點一把火把所有的考卷燒掉
16. craving to burn all the test papers with a torch of fire
17. 想要搭一趟三天三夜的航班
17. craving to take a three-day-and-three-night-long flight
18. 想要把頭髮染成七彩
18. craving to dye the hair colors of the rainbow
19. 想聽陽光的聲音
19. craving to hear the sunshine
20. 想住在美術館一晚
20. craving to spend one night in an art museum
21. 想在晚上湖中乘船聊天
21. craving to cruise around and have a relaxing chat on a small boat in the evening
22. 想在芭答雅的海灘上喝辣海鮮湯
22. craving to eat Thai seafood soup on the beach of Pattaya
23. 想一個人在家安靜一天
23. craving to spend a day alone at home
24. 想大聲說,我相信我的人生有無限可能
24. craving to say out loud that I believe that there are infinite possibilities in my life
25. 想要不在意白頭髮
25. craving not to care about hair graying
26. 想要突破瓶頸
26. craving to smash the artist’s block
27. 想畫一張讓自己都驚艷的圖
27. craving to draw a picture that amazes even myself
28. 想在海邊的夕陽下聽你彈吉他
28. craving to hear your guitar music in the company of the sea and the sunset
29. 想把最可愛的科基狗Shorty抱在懷裡
29. craving to hold Shorty, the cutest Corgi ever, like a cushion in my arms
30. 想到亞馬遜河流域探險
30. craving to go on an adventure in the Amazonian rainforests
31. 想把腦裡的細胞撕成碎片再重新組合
31. craving to take apart all the cells in my brain and piece them together
32. 想坐在里斯本的小咖啡館裡發呆
32. craving to sit and do nothing in a small café in Lisbon
As for the three people on the boat:
A. 你已經等不及實現你的渴望了。
A. You can’t wait to realize your cravings.
B. 你的內心因渴望而騷動,但你還在觀望。
B. You stir inside because of your cravings, but you are still hesitating.
C. 你要不是耳根清靜,就是沒有聽到內心的聲音。
C. Either you have a super-zen state of mind, or you do not listen to your inner voice.