Sunday, March 25, 2012

Dazzling London / 眼花撩亂的倫敦


I am leaving for Paris tomorrow. I went downtown only to get the rail ticket on Saturday, and you can hardly imagine how many interesting places we passed by. What can you say? This is London. Now David Hockney's exhibition is going on in Burlington House. Since it has been extremely sunny in London, there are a shocking number of tourists! 


Burlington Arcade houses really fancy shops. We just stumbled across the site and went in for a look. 


Old Bond Street, parallel to Burlington Arcade, is where all the name-brand boutiques gather.


You can find all amazing things and people in London. 


Easter egg street exhibition. 


Our destination--Somerset House. 

仔細看喔,這些不是真花,是目前正在進行的裝置藝術展覽「非同步」,這一萬朵花是智利籍藝術家Fernando Casaempere用黏土捏成的,他的創作動機是為了創造人們在春天來臨之際看到繁花盛放的喜悅。

Take a closer look. These are not real flowers. They are the installation Out of Sync that is going in a grass meadow in Somerset House by London Based Chilean artist Fernando Casasempere. 10,000 ceramic flowers were planted. He wants to recreate the joy people feel upon seeing blossoming flowers at the end of winter and the beginning of spring. 


The weather in Europe this year is just lovely. I was told that it'll be equally sunny in Paris, where I am going tomorrow. 

才從波隆納回來,又趕著去看倫敦另一場插畫展,在這裡真是片刻不得閒啊!這是集合優秀年輕插畫家和獨立印刷工作坊的Pick Me Up展。

Though I just came back from Bologna, we were in a hurry to go to another illo exhibition. I can hardly take a break here! This is Pick Me Up, which gathers talented new blood in illustration and many independent print studios. 


Jazel said I'll miss the exhibitions here after going home. Indeed, the art life in London is so thriving. However, I am also looking forward to sitting down in a quiet corner to draw. Before that, I should fill my brain with as much as I can! 


I'll say hello to you after coming back from the Netherlands in 10 days! 


shangyu said...

看妳忙著到處看展,希望這樣的忙能有助於妳的睡眠 ^_^



Weichuen You said...
