再過幾個星期,琪琪肚子裡的愛寶就要呱呱落地,還是很難想像她當媽媽的樣子,不過我確定的是,琪琪再也沒有一個人冒險的機會啦!從今開始,琪琪會展開一段接一段的全家福冒險,所以如果「琪琪的華麗冒險2」問世,內容將會更熱鬧瘋狂,目前先公開第二集的宣傳照,同時也溫習一下當年琪琪獨自闖天下的過程!In a few more weeks, my best friend Chichi will give birth to her baby boy. It's still hard for me to imagine her as a mom, but I am sure that she'll not have another chance to go on adventures ALONE! From now on, Chichi will embark on new adventures with her little family. If there is ever a sequel to
Chichi's Fantastic Adventures in France, the stories will be even more exciting. Now let me show you a glimpse of my new book and let's review how Chichi made her way to France then!
琪琪的華麗冒險 1
作者‧繪者 游為淳
Chichi's Fantastic Adventures in France
Writer/Illustrator: Weichuen You

Chichi always traveled with her best friend Chuen. They went everywhere together and had the best time in the world. It was sad that Chuen couldn't accompany her this time. Before Chichi set out, Chuen gave her a balloon as her companion on the journey. Then Chichi wouldn't feel so lonely.

Chichi finally arrived in France, but she was puzzled. There were roundabouts everywhere and every road looked the same. The road signs were so small that Chichi could hardly read what was written on them. "Where am I supposed to land?" In the meanwhile, people seemed to know their directions. It was such a special place, Chichi thought.

Right when Chichi landed, it started to drizzle. The Parisian sky looked so gloomy. She was eager to find a shelter from the rain. When Chichi felt cold and starved, she saw a handsome man hold the umbrella for his friends. They had so much fun even when the weather was so unpleasant. At this moment, Chichi started to miss Chuen. "If Chuen were here, it would be fun to be in the rain without umbrellas."

Chichi came to Fontainebleau. The little inn where she stayed looked so warm with its orange tone of wall paper and decorations. The inn keeper was a sad man. Chichi saw only his little son. She asked herself, "What is his story?" "Maybe his wife is on a trip to a farway place. Maybe the boy is just his nephew. Perhaps he is an optimist that looks pessimistic. Or maybe I am tired...Good night, Chuen."

When Chichi reached Avallon, she had a hard time seeking a hotel room. Finally, people in the tourist center sent her to the inn with a beautiful small garden. Yet Chichi found the hotel owner to be very "special." He was a perfectionist to the bone. Despite the fact that his hotel was super neat, Chichi believed he was too demanding. "Please don't cook in your room. My carpets were burned by Asian tourists like you." "You'd like to borrow my Michelin guide? Hmm, which pages would you like? I'll zerox them for you." "By the way, please come to the restaurant and be seated at the table for dinner. Watch out for the crumbs. I hope you won't mess up my place." Before Chichi left, she'd love to award him as the champion of perfectionists in France.

When Chichi arrived at Dijon, she could finally loosen up by riding a bike around the lake in the suburbs. The summer breeze caressed her face. She played with the swans happily. But she didn't notice that her balloon was flying higher and higher...

The balloon was gone when she realized it was no longer with her. Chichi rushed all the way to Lyon. She took every metro line, but she couldn't find the balloon. She couldn't but ask the hairless conductor if he had seen it. Before Chichi opened her mouth, he greeted her with a HUGE smile, "Hello, my working day is over. Bye!" Then he disappeared. He didn't mind if she was left alone in the car either. At this time, Chichi was really worried.

Chichi went back to the metro station in the city. A loving couple enjoyed making out in public. Since the policemen were nearby, Chichi shouted to them, "Hey, did you see my balloon? It is yellow with a turquoise heart on it!" The police shrugged their shoulders indifferently and then they continued their chat. The man waved his hand at Chichi and then he started to kiss and caress his darling. Chichi was so disappointed..

Right when Chichi got a glimpse of her balloon, a group of people emerged near the fountain in the park. Three little boys were after her, "Konichiwa, are you Japanese?" "Are you a Buddhist?" There was also a receptionist from Hotel Ibis. She was trying to get away from the American tourist. "Oh spare me. Didn't I repeat to you that we set up roundabouts to avoid traffic jams? In the past, when there were only traffic lights, many people died in car accidents. How were we supposed to know that roundabouts would give foreign tourists such a hard time?"

In search of her balloon, Chichi checked everywhere. She didn't miss the hilltop in Lyon. The kind-hearted yet serious-looking conductor analyzed to her the possible whereabouts of the balloon. He even took out a map of France. "I believe that your balloon must have flown toward the south. If not..." He reminded Chichi of her geography teacher in old school days. He was so proud of himself. Chichi bit her lips not to laugh out.

Chichi realized it was impossible to walk across the whole France to search for her balloon. She decided to resort to a helicopter. First, she flew across the lavender fields of Provence. It would be impossible not to find the balloon, she said. But she was so engrossed that she didn't hear the women cry to her, "Hey, your balloon flew away in the opposite direction!"

Chichi couldn't find the balloon, so she turned to North France. Maybe her balloon hid in the sunflowers. "I have a question! People here drive so fast. Do they dream of becoming car racers? Even bicycles are faster than me. I have to speed up!" She had the idea that speed would do her good...

She didn't become a helicopter racer, but she did end up on a hat stand in the southernest city Menton. The seller was bargaining with other tourists. Then all the hats flew up because of Chichi. The woman, a straightforward French, lashed out at Chichi in anger. Chichi had the most unlucky day in France. Instead of finding her balloon, she was hurt physically and mentally.

Chichi cried like a deserted child at the swimming pool in the hotel. There were so many happy tourists around her, some of whom were preparing to jump into the pool to enjoy the cool water. Kids yelled and screamed, but they had nothing to do with her. "I don't want to travel alone again..." Chichi thought to herself sadly...

It came as one of the most beautiful surprises that the waiter in Nime found her balloon, right when she needed it the most! Her joy was beyond description. Chichi couldn't refrain from giving him a BIG HUG!

Chichi didn't forget Chuen's advice--she got to try Bouillabaisse in Marseille. The more she ate, the more lonely she became. One man's feast was no fun at all. "If Chuen could join me..." Chichi even wished that the embarassed tourists on the pavement, rejected by the high-class restaurant, were her friends.

Chichi dragged her tired body on her way back to Paris. The lavender souvenir storekeeper in the Gordes mountain areas told her, "Little girl, don't be so frustrated. You know, this is the trip that a lot of people dream of!"

Chichi was still unhappy after she went back to Paris. She didn't pay attention to the riot among the tourists on the cruise. "Hey, there is a balloon!" "Ah!" "You almost caught it!"

On her way to Monmartre, there were people and music around her, but Chichi didn't hear or see anything. The old sir next to her that resembled Einstein caught her attention. "Hey, the balloon seems to have something to say to you!" On seeing it, Chichi lunged forth.

Following the balloon, Chichi found Chuen waiting for her on the hill! "There is no better end to this trip!" Chichi thought!