Thursday, October 06, 2011

stimulation / 刺激


Last night when I finished the shower, it was almost 11 pm. I planned to come up with the sketch before hitting the sack so that I could get directly to work this morning. However, I was weighed with anxiety, so I didn't sleep well. I was sleeping and dreaming about not being able to come up with something decent. I woke up at no later than 7 am to draw. Now I understand why art majors have to stay up late for their projects.


My place is an independent bookshop that sell art books and magazines. I took a photo of the facade, but it was so simple that I don't think I'd do a good job with my not-so-good watercolor painting. Besides, Derek said something before we left school yesterday: I want you to come in and surprise me. Fortunately, when I told Jazel that I am going to make a small book as my form to present the bookshop, she taught me another technique to make a book of fewer pages. She is really my lifesaver!


Because the books I read yesterday in the bookshop are about illustration, patterns and paper-cutting, I made use of these three techniques to tell a story about myself. 


This is how I felt when I first arrived in London. I traveled in autumn with many fallen leaves. 


I learned to make new friends in London and celebrated my Mid-Autumn Festival birthday. 


 I learned to live like the locals and travel in everyday lives. 


I met so many talented people when I went to school. 


It was right because I came to Camberwell that I had the opportunity to visit ARTWORDSBOOKSHOP for the project. 


By the time I finished the assignment, it was already noon. We had made the verbal promise to be at school at one, so I took a quick bite before leaving home. When I got to school, other groups were in the middle of discussing, but I couldn't find my team members! After a quick discussion with Liwen, who's also from Taiwan, I realized that if there are more foreigners on the team, then they tend to be more active. I am with a lot of Londoners, and they appeared to be rather relaxed judging from our beer chat yesterday afternoon. Even the idea boy Jamie, who promised to show up at one, was nowhere to be seen. Later they did arrive in twos and threes, but everyone was dependent upon Jamie, who sent a text message saying that he was still on the train and that we had to get a map. Joe also texted to say that he lost his debit card and that he might not make it this afternoon. Well, this was way too relaxing. Seeing other groups designing the Monopoly board and pop-up map, we had nothing apart from every individual's image. Beth and I took a deep breath comforting ourselves that we'd figure out something. I went to the library for a quick map, but by the time I went back to the studio, kids had come up with something with the postcards and leaflets we took from the galleries and posted it on the wall in the back of the studio. 

圖左至右為艾登和喬/ from left to right: Aiden and Joe 


I thought we were the least prepared group, but the presentation skills reversed the situation! Some groups were not unprepared, but they didn't impress many people during presentation. We happen to have two very social boys, Aiden and Jamie, in our group. Their conversational talk really pleased Derek, and we got the second highest vote in the end! However, the winner group is very professional. I could tell that they did work hard. The team leader must have had much industry experience. She is also a very committed person. I particularly like her poise when speaking in front of everyone. She speaks with a heavy Russian accent, but it doesn't stop her from delivering her speech. The team members were also very cooperative. We should do our best like this next time! 


After class I couldn't help going to the Russian classmate and told her that they did an excellent job. Some people also told me that they like my handmade book. In this kind of environment, it's natural to compliment others. When seeing great works, I will tell myself, "You have to work harder!" For example, Teresa from Czech told me that she is not good at drawing, and I told her it's the same with me. After coming home, I told Jazel that we should go out for sketch exercise during the weekend. 


After the presentation, it's a must to go to a bar! These art majors are really cute because what we do in bars is still going over each other's sketchbooks. It's by no means about complaining life or anything like that. I met a very talented Japanese girl Eli. But when we were going over her drawings, I could tell she has very strong emotional struggles inside her, unlike me and Jazel who are sunny optimists. After I finished the presentation, Eli told me that she envies the way I talk in front of people. And when I looked at her drawings, I secretly feel that my sketchbook is really crap. On our way home I told her not to envy me because I will not draw as well as her. 


Before I came, I was really worried about having to work in a team with others, but now I have fallen in love with it because I'll receive a lot of stimulation. Tomorrow we are going to spend a whole day looking at my peers' summer project. I am so looking forward to it! 






Bean said...



A-one said...


Shorty修替他娘 said...


shaggy said...


J said...


Anonymous said...

Hey MIss You!
I think i lost my planet....


Carol Liu said...

這就對了,台灣同胞本來就應該有些優待: )

Weichuen You said...








shangyu said...

妳做的小書好漂亮喔~~ 令人驚艷,真的.真的.... 我好喜歡.希望以後我有機會可以看到真品.


A-Mei said...



Weichuen You said...



Anonymous said...
