Sunday, October 06, 2013

I love TAI & THAI

象牙木種子/ the seed of Ivorywood


My colleagues in TAI Herbarium are extremely nice to me. I do not mean the superficial politeness. Rather, they let me be. One day while I am working on making a specimen, Guei-mei suggests that I draw the growth of certain seeds. She thus grabs a stool for me to sit facing the door of the herbarium. It reminds me of my childhood whiling time away in my mom's office. 


   I have only a box of colored ballpoint pens of MUJI. Guei-mei offers some crayon-like markers and blank A4 paper. Suddenly I feel like being in the first class in Camberwell when we learn the observed drawing. I have to capture the essence of the object with a limited choice of art supplies. For the moment I truly forget that I am in the herbarium. Instead, I think I am in the studio in Camberwell and in my dorm. 

 黃椰子種子/ the seed of Yellow Palm


   To me, the year in London is more than eons away. Sometimes I do feel a very tiny dose of envy for my ex-classmates, who can spend all their time drawing. However, I take the time machine that afternoon and relive the wonderful moments. Meanwhile, this tells me that my current life is equally meaningful. I beam with so much joy that even a new colleague makes the remark: You are such a blessed person! 

        另外一件令我同樣開心的事是泰文課,因為每天都要看泰劇,這週年輕帥氣的老師不禁問我是不是有泰國友人,我想說我的朋友都是明星來著,不過還是忍住了。我的當下不是英國,但我有TAI 和THAI。

   Something else that pleases me is my Thai lesson. Since I watch Thai lakorns every day, this week my young and cute Thai teacher can't help asking if I have Thai friends for me to practice the language with. I swallow the urge to say, "Yeah, my friends are all big stars." My present is not the UK, but I have my beloved TAI Herbarium and the Thai language. 


Grace Tan said...

看到最後因為太可愛了, 讓我不禁大笑! 有好多明星朋友。


Weichuen You said...

I am! You are, too!