Wednesday, October 05, 2011

poor but happy / 貧窮卻快樂的人生

第一天 / the first day 


Though I was looking forward to the start of school, I was meanwhile kind of nervous. I went to school half an hour earlier, but the careless guard gave me the wrong direction. I groped for my way between two campuses, but fortunately when I found the studio, I was still one of the early birds. We have two instructors, Derek and Matthew, respectively responsible for graphic art and illustration. For the time being the two groups of students have classes together, so it's mostly Derek that talks. Derek has had experiences of teaching all levels of students, so apart from learning about design and art, he actually shows me what a good teacher should do. In the beginning, Derek told everyone not to be late for class and to work very hard since only a small percentage of art graduates get to find jobs. I think he's a very down-to-earth person, but he kept emphasizing if we have problems, we have to talk to them. I am very glad that the interviewer back then advised me to study in the FdA program. 


When I left home, I put my lunch in a huge Morrisons' bag, but I found it quite embarrassing to carry it around, so I hid it in the backpack. As I got to school, I saw many people holding a plastic bag. With those who didn't, you would find a food container in each of their bags. During the break, the black-haired Joe talked to me about how to make sandwiches and different kinds of mayonnaise we can try.  This is such an important part of students' life here! 


On the first day, Derek paired us with a new friend. Everyone had to talk to their partner about several questions such as what we were doing before coming to Camberwell, what we would like to learn and what we plan to do after graduation. There are about 60 students from both groups, with less than 1/6 of Asians. I was seated in an area with mostly Brits. I was in the same group with the red-haired Joe. He didn't go out of his way to chat with me before  noon, but he turned out to be quite friendly while we were having lunch outside. Then a group of his pals walked by and greeted him. I told him that I was going to the toilet and that I'd let him chat with his friends. After I went back to the studio, he rushed in with anxiety saying, "Where have you been? I was looking for you!" I was rather surprised because I am usually the person that looks after others. I was quite moved then. 


Some students in class were interviewed by Derek and Matt. It seemed to be rather competitive then. Some people are already equipped with much industry experience. Some foreign students were very alert. Looks like they were ready to fight any minute. Derek said to the designers: It's alright. A lot of people here will ask you how to do certain things in the days to come... 


When everyone was about to leave, Derek kept the international students, asking if we had any question. He wanted to know whether the course syllabus did correspond to what we thought or what we looked for. He wants to have a talk with us on a weekly basis during the first term. He is indeed a very wonderful teacher. 


Camberwell School of Art isn't especially big. In fact, sixty students share two studios, but there is space for students to curate or exhibit their works. From the studios to the library, I kept hearing the teachers and librarians say, "If you are interested, pleases send us a proposal!"


Every evening after I go home, I am in the habit of exchanging my day with Jazel. She studies in the BA graphic art program in LCC. Different schools have different teaching styles. She told me about an exhibition she had seen earlier that day. She didn't understand what it was about, but she was very happy because it means here you can do whatever you'd like to. The sky's the limit. I like her remarks. After all, we tend to exclude what we don't understand, but if we can open our mind, then we will get to broaden our horizons. 

第二天 / the second day 


Today our mission was to explore different parts of London! I was in a group with other nine Brits and we were assigned Shoreditch. We had a list of galleries, bookshops, cafes and restaurants given by Derek. This kind of outing is a lot of fun because through traveling, we got to mingle with one another. 


In the beginning I followed a young girl named Beth. She is like the girls I taught before, very simple and outgoing. Later during the bus ride, I realized that everyone has fear when it comes to making new friends. I was thus less worried. 


I'd visit galleries when I went on trips, but now this has become part of my life, which is the difference between being an art-major and a layman! 


Before we started the trip, we decided that the form of our presentation is for everyone to present a venue by doing whatever he or she'd like to on a piece of A3 paper. In other words, we'd check out 10 places today. 

圖中從左至右為露西和潔絲 / from left to right: Lucy, Jess 

圖中為可愛的貝絲 / Beth in the picture 

從左至右為艾登、羅拉、潔米、露西、喬、麥克斯 / from left to right: Aiden, Laura, Jamie, Lucy, Joe and Max 


We took with us exquisite flyers and postcards along the way. The gallery people knew that we are poor students, so they will specify the kinds of things we can take for free. At one point I thought to myself, I can't imagine a better life in the world. Though I have to live on a tight budget, I am more than glad to have come here and seen these things. What I saw and did before is really nothing compared to all of this. 

之前旅館接待員Vinni和我說白人很窮困,我和小朋友出去,大家對於吃東西的費用很在意,我們走進The Book Club,午餐約十磅,我們又魚貫走出,我們因此走到Brick Lane,據說是外帶天堂,潔絲介紹我們吃貝果,燻鮭魚配起司醬一點六磅,但好幾個人也都忍著不吃,我們其實走了很多路,我還沿路邊吃水果和點心,我想他們一定很餓,所以我把貝果分給其它人吃,因為我還有袋子裡的巨大三明治,在那之後我想到學費漲三倍的英國真的很不忍心,下次抗議我也要上街去!

When I first came here, the receptionist in the hotel Vinni told us that the whites are poor. I noticed that the young people care much about the expenses. We walked into the Book Club to discover that lunch costs about 10 quids, so we walked out. We made it to Brick Lane, which is said to be the paradise for takeaway food. Jess recommended salmon and cream cheese bagels to us, but some of the kids didn't buy anything. We had walked a lot, and I even ate snacks and fruits along the way. I thought they must have been hungry, so I shared my bagel with some of them because I had my giant sandwich in the bag. After that, I was quite sad to think of the hike in tuition fee. Next time when they take to the street, I am going too! 


After a meal, we had to go to a bar. It was fun to be with a bunch of 20-year-old British kids and hear them chatter about this and that, and laugh, most of all. I didn't have to worry about what to say, and just like that, I became part of them. On my way home, I joined two boys and went to the art supply shop. In the morning before we left school, Derek kept reminding the British students to look after international students, so Jamie and Aiden kept saying to me, "We are so afraid to lose you." In the end when I was about to take a bus, Jamie asked, "Are you sure you know your way?" When I told Jazel these stories, she asked, "They don't know how old you are right?" I replied, "Well, I took your advice. I do not say anything when others don't ask." Alas, I really like to hang out with young boys here, and I am crazy enough to think of transferring to the graphic art group because there are more boys there. 


After I went home, I received Caterina's and Carol's mail. The former totally says how I feel now. 


But I really can't go on blogging at this moment. By tomorrow noon I have to come up with an A3 image about this bookshop. I really have to go brainstorm. See ya guys! 


Carol Liu said...


A-one said...


shaggy said...


Bean Lover said...

雖然有些看起來一開始有點木訥可是確實很有善呢! 倫敦有這麼有善的人好棒!

畫完的草圖要post上來讓我們欣賞呦! :)

Shorty修替他娘 said...


Weichuen You said...

Carol: I am glad you do!

A-one: Then come check out the latest development of my silly school life!

Shaggy: 對啊,我們班的男孩都還不錯。



shangyu0807 said...

那些小男生能這樣對妳,很令人感動呢!很乖,有聽老師的話. :)