Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Family day / 家庭日


We usually do nothing and go nowhere on Sunday morning. The living room is our territory. We read, imagine, and draw by turns, and it’s not hard to imagine time slips by when we are engaged in these seemingly-trivial activities. However, as an adult, only when I am in peace with myself can I really enjoy the moments.

最近多了隻小企鵝在客廳裡晃來晃去,處處尋找可以作怪的地方下手,在他犯案之前我對他唱「Oh oh you are in trouble」,他會回過頭來咧嘴笑,露出兩顆新發的白牙齒。

We’ve had one new little penguin strolling in the living room. He is constantly looking for fun such as shelves to open and close repeatedly. Before he commits the crime, I will sing to him, “Oh oh you are in trouble.” Not able to resist the rhythm, he will turn back and grin, revealing his two newly-grown white teeth…


spookie said...

有個小小孩在家,應該非常熱鬧吧? 呵。

Weichuen You said...


Shorty修替他娘 said...
