Saturday, June 27, 2009

Zen master You / 游‧禪學大師


To catch up with the trend of reading the do-over novel Pretty Little Mistakes by Heather McElhatton, I laid my hand on a copy, all worked up about different lives I might have had. In the beginning I made a choice of traveling to Europe instead of going to college, which I already had done. Well, in the end, I married a French guy, traveled around the world, and died in Bali. I soon reincarnated into an eagle after my death. To be honest, this is not very different from my real life, which kind of disappointed me.


But the good thing about this book is that I can do over again and again. I came across the term Zen master on one page, so I made up my mind to try all the endings. Some day, I will make the right choice and become a Zen master.


Because I kept talking about this wish in class, Elain gave me the term “Zen master, You” for free on her end-of-the-semester card to make me happy. Even if I am not a master now, I feel like a mountain, rooted there calm and poised. If I am to write Pretty Little Mistakes, I will be a mountain that feels like traveling. I might not be able to move physically, but one day, I will exchange souls with the Rocky Mountains or the Andes. Then like what Elaine suggests, we will run into each other in another country!


Thanks to Elaine and Lillian for all the warm words and best wishes!


Anonymous said...

老師!!我在無意間竟然來到這了 好開心!


Weichuen You said...
