Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Mother and daughter, traveling together 4 / 媽媽和我的旅行 4

第三章─媽媽總是對的 嗎?

Chapter 3—Mom is always right...?

last photo taken in Venice

As far as I can remember, my childhood was all about moving from one place to another. This trip feels like the review lesson.

It is mentally and physically exhausting to be constantly on the move. We have pleasant moments of heart-to-heart talks, but most of the time, we breathe, meditate, rest, communicate and even complain in the silence secretly accepted by both of us. I was not aware of such ease in my mom's presence when I was a child.

photos taken in Venice

Yet, the beautiful yet precarious balance between my mom and me does not last long. Soon, the lovely joy of discovering a new city is replaced by the panic of getting lost. I, the leader, am challenged by the heavy luggage and the burning sunshine. I have a feeling that my anger is about to break free the lid of rationality. As for Mom, her impatience brews silently.

"It's just impossible for me to get lost!"

photos taken in front of Alloggi Henry, Venice

All the negative feeling waits for a perfect moment to explode...

"Right here!"

"O sole mio!"

"Don't you ever touch my daughter!"

"Come with me!"

first photo taken at Alloggi Henry, Venice
second photo taken at Ms. You's apartment
last photo taken in Venice

I can't help flying into a rage. Besides the disrespect I feel in being treated as a child, I am even deprived of the little, trivial pleasure of arousing men's curiosity. My stupid vanity is examined with Mom's harsh sense of morality. I really regret traveling with her.

"Why do you always treat me like an ignorant kid!"
"I wanted to protect you for goodness' sake!"

If I didn't come, I would have a cool time with my honey at home...

If I were alone, I would encounter dozens and dozens of guys...

photos taken at Alloggi Henry, Venice

"Rise and shine!"

"O sole mio!"
"Here he comes again! To another woman!"

"I have told you that he is not worthy of trust..."

So my first lame romantic encounter in Italy ends in a lame way.

Again I have learned that there is some truth in the saying "Mom is always right." Though reluctantly I have to admit that my mom is more experienced, I still believe that she can't always be right!


Anonymous said...

看來跟媽媽旅行時就別奢望有豔遇了, 專心欣賞風景嘍!

Anonymous said...

I didn't see you in any photos here.

Callipygia said...

Oh far too challenging to have romantic encounters and false-starts with mother there. Italy is for love after all, no vanity only truth!

Weichuen You said...

Johnnny: 可是邊旅行邊欣賞帥哥美女是旅遊的ㄧ大重點!

anonymous: Well, I do not appear in every strip. So keep your eyes open wide:-)

Calli: Maybe that's why I should bring my mom along with me because I can concentrate on the scenery in this way!

Anonymous said...


Weichuen You said...
