On the last day of class, the sunshine outside was so dazzling. Anticipation of the coming summer break had built up since the early June. Before the last day, I could say to you wilfully that we didn't have many days left together and you would no longer be my responsibility. But when that moment came, my light mood became kind of heavy. I'd like to hear you say to me after you grow up, "I've learned to go on living to see the whole picture of life; Life is not as difficult as I thought it'd be; I've found what I was looking for; I know now what it means to enjoy every moment of life." It's funny how I begin to mind not being able to grow up with you.

Whenever you came to me, tears streaming down your cheeks, I always looked at you calmly, saying, "The present moment might be difficult, but you'll be fine." Most of the time you responded with that doubtful look in your eye. You have to trust me because I am almost twice as old as you, because your efforts won't come to nothing. What scares me the most is, you no longer believe in yourself.
For those who are confused, timid, diffident, unhappy, despairing, lost, afraid, lonely, not understood, negative, I want to give you a courage box. When you are baffled and frustrated, please open it and you'll find treasures that lift your spirits. If not, please bear in mind, life is more than you think you know. There are better and worse moments. And living is all about going through moments just to experience its ultimate beauty.
With all the good luck in the world...