Thursday, January 12, 2006

Oh My Loveman! 67 / 我的戀愛超人 67

by Weichuen You 2005

Loveman's family prepared a crazy feast for Pipi. There were all kinds of classical French food. Pipi was touched beyond description.
"What about a handful of appetizers?"
"Would you like a piece of baguette?"
"Let me pour some wine for you!"
"Try our couscous!"
"Our choucroute is perfect! Have some!"
"You can't miss our array of cheese!"
"Don't forget the dessert! Today we serve banana splits and la galette des rois!"
Amid the bustling, Uncle Patrick had the feeling that something lacked in the scrumptious meal. He turned and left the table without further explanation.

「有朋自遠方來,當然少不了一頓大餐囉!今天的菜色有:德國香腸醃白菜、 當然少不了每餐必備的法國麵包,既然有重要客人,紅酒白酒一起上場吧! 再配上開味小點,休息夠了之後,上另一道豪華的佳餚─庫斯庫斯,以香蕉船和格子蛋糕作完美的收尾,對了,派崔叔叔怎麼不見啦?」

1 comment:

Cin said...

Hi Miragee

wonderful, fun, darling illustration! A great looking feast, I'll have some of that dessert please!