For a while I hoped to see my works in published forms as often as possible. But in the past year, my wish has shrunk--I want nothing more than to go on with my art with a serious and passionate attitude. This self-expectation doesn't sound quite grand, but to be always full of passion, it's actually much harder than it seems.
Today when Shaggy gave me the magazine by Juming Art Museum, it really came as a very pleasant surprise. Ya-jun (the staff of the museum) quoted much from my writing on the blog this past summer. I was reminded again that once I bury my head in the task, what I don't expect will fall from the sky.

After the summer break, everything died down from the wacky climax. Without the merriment of painting together, I drag my exhausted body home after work. Despite the call for a rest from my poor physique and mentality, I would sit down at my desk as long as I am 70% sober and start my painting session. My one-man's art time, compared with the mural project in the museum is a little bit lonely. Yet I have to move on.
Tonight I realized again that my dream isn't just my dream. Every time when I talk about my dream, I see the glow on your face. I will reach my goal because in that way, I will make you find your dream and goal...