Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Dunkin Donuts

那天中午的Dunkin Donuts很冷清,有閒小坐的顧客不外談心的歐巴桑,打盹的老人,或有約的上班族。我四處張望,尋覓我的下一位模特兒,此時面前的中年男子邊讀文件,不一會兒就睡著了,他有著極生動的睡姿,我不禁暗自感謝上帝,這樣的模特兒可是天上掉下來的大禮物。

Dunkin Donuts that noon was half empty. The working day did not allow people to have a petit break except for two middle-aged ladies who came for a heart-to-heart talk, the old fellow dozing, and some office workers waiting for their clients. I looked around, searching for my next model. The man sitting right in front of me was reading, but it didn't take him long to fall asleep. He had this excellent posture even when sleeping. I couldn't help thanking God for endowing me with such a lovely gift.


When the man first walked in, he was sort of impetuous, talking fast to his acquaintance on the phone and reminding her to hurry. He might have worked for years, so there was something over-sophiscated about his looks. He was by no means an attractive person. Yet sketching conjures up amazing, unexpected effects. While I was recording the lines on his face, little by little, I found them to be beautiful. These were the traces of age that I hadn't seen when he was awake.


I've learned that some people's charm has to be seen through sketching. Their beauty is not less than that of those we define as good-looking according to conventional criteria.


Anonymous said...


Weichuen You said...


isay said...

Hi Miragee! I am missing Dunkin Donuts. My last one was during last summer in Berlin

Weichuen You said...

Hi isay! There is no Dunkin Donuts in Denmark?

老顏 said...


Weichuen You said...
