Italy is a perfect shopping paradise. All the beautiful things you can imagine lie so enticingly in the glittering display windows. They allure the excited tourists silently, yet magically. I love shopping. With my sloppy looks, I step into the boutiques with my head up high. My hungry eyes absorb the beautiful scenery, from the dazzling jewels to the Barbie-cute clerks. My nose smells hard the intoxicating leather and perfume. When my five senses are satisfied, I walk away without even asking the price of one item in the store.
On my trip, tourists with name-brand bags were spotted everywhere. LV, Gucci, Prada, Furla are among the top-ranking favorites. I don't know if those fancy products can make me a more charming person. It's more likely that people ask me if they are counterfeits I find in a specific nightmarket. However, I do have my Achille's heel. I am a postcard fan. I melt on seeing racks of postcards. Italy is especially well-developed in this area. From the north to the south, I left my traces at numerous newspaperstands and brought home with me lovely souvenirs of the trip.
I don't want to keep the joy all to myself. There are postcards that send my blood rushing all the way to my head. I'd love to introduce the artists and photographers behind the gorgeous images as well.

北義的利古力亞省以五個連續的小漁村著名,這個景點位於一號漁村Riomaggiore。攝影師名為Marco Pasini.
Liguria, in North Italy, is noted for five sea villages. The scenery in the postcard can be found in Riomaggiore. The photographer is Marco Pasini.
Piazza San Marco in Venice is world-known, so there are tons of postcards taken of the tourist spot. This is my favorite.
托斯卡尼的美麗不用我多說,這張明信片卻捕捉到平日生活的燦爛,濃郁的色調讓平凡的人物和房子比觀光景點更動人。攝影師為Marco Donnini.
The beauty of Tuscany has been broadly introduced. However, this photo captures a moment in the ordinary daily life. The rich colors turn the banal subject into something more fascinating than tourist attractions. The photographer is Marco Donnini.
老實說,我並沒有親自來到位於羅馬的這座橋,但明信片的美讓我難以拒絕。攝影師為Claudio Corrivetti.
To be frank, I didn't visit Ponte Sisto in Rome, but the postcard is just irresistible. The photographer is Claudio Corrivetti.
在羅馬拉渥那廣場附近有個花市,但游某人始終未去過,本張明信片攝於此。攝影師為G. Gasponi,出過四本書,有一系列專門以羅馬的貓為主題喔!
Near Piazza Navona in Rome, there is a flower & vegetable market, but shame on me. I didn't make it that far. The photo was shot here. The photographer is G. Gasponi. His works can be found in four books and he has a series on the cats in Rome!
卡爾賽達宮堪稱與凡爾賽宮其名,真實的相片美得太虛幻,我倒偏愛Alessandro Cocchia的童稚詮釋。
Caserta Palace is often compared with that of Versailles. Real photos are too beautiful to be true. I prefer Alessandro Cocchia's child-like interpretation.
拉斐羅位於南義的山丘上,每年夏天這個俯瞰著藍色海洋的山城會舉辦一系列的藝術季,宣傳的明信片張張令人驚艷。圖中為鋼琴家Isabel Ettenauer,她的演出主題為「The Joy of Toy」,時間為2006年7月12日。
Ravello is a small town located on the hill in South Italy. Every summer, Ravello hosts an art festival covering all genres of perfomances. The postcards for promotion are really impressive. In the picture is the pianist Isabel Ettenauer. Her concert, "The Joy of Toy," was on 12th, July, 2006.
卡布里島是遊客必到的觀光景點。島上土生土長的攝影師Umberto D'Anniello不僅拍攝商業景點,也有平凡中見偉大的作品。
Capri Island is one of the must-sees for tourists. Umberto D'Anniello, the photographer born on the island, takes shots of Capri Island from various perspectives. If you are interested, please go to his website to learn more about his works.