Sunday, July 25, 2010

Beijingers in My Postcards / 明信片裡的北京人


This week everyone must have heard about the twist and turn of my postcard story. I got different answers to the question whether my self-made postcards are send-able or not in three post offices I visited on the trip. Fortunately, almost all the mail reached the addressees. My conclusion is that I should have more faith in the freedom of speech in China.


A place that lacks in the variety of postcards stimulates me to create my own postcards. I can only say, every place inspires me in their one-of-a-kind way, which is the biggest lesson I’ve learned from this trip.


Anonymous said...

I am not sure if I got all the postcards you sent me. Didn't send 2 cards to me? I received 1 so far.


shaggy said...


Shorty修替他娘 said...


Weichuen You said...

Carol: I did send you two, but I have a student who didn't get her postcard either. Let me send more from here!

Shaggy: 所以我要大膽迎接充滿苦難的英倫人生才是!

Shorty's mom: 因為這次要求明信片的群眾數量在我出發前一天驟增,我幾乎每天都在寄信!而且有些人是早晚叮嚀啊!

Patty said...

看到 "男人夏日的典型打扮" 我笑了!去年在上海街頭看到超多這樣裝扮的男人,以為是一種流行咧 XDD

Weichuen You said...

Patty: 最近好嗎?那是大陸的流行啦!