Sunday, September 20, 2009

Miss You


Like I said, my birthday party goes on. Heartfelt thanks to Meiyen and those around me, who have the most beautiful souls.

我很久不用英文名字了,也很不喜歡別人直接叫我全名,所以每次和學生自我介紹時,會說,如果真的得叫我,就稱呼我Miss You吧!感覺這是個到六十歲仍然會很潮的名字。

I haven’t used any English name for ages. And I dislike people calling me by my full name. Therefore, whenever it’s time to introduce myself to new students, I’d say, call me Miss You. This feels like a trendy name that’ll still sound so when I sail into my sixties.


We often say, we are what our names indicate. Do names really influence one’s personalities? I think so. Even without our awareness, we develop into the kind of people our names want us to be. So we have to like our names anyway.

Miss You是個很容易引起誤會的稱呼,因為我在信尾簽上Miss You的時候,別人會勿以為我很想念他們,不過假如因此讓大家開心了一下,我倒不是很在意。最近這幾個禮拜,我覺得我的命運真的是被Miss You主導,走在校園裡,上一年教的女孩紛紛說:我很想你!或者畢業很多年的大女生透過友人傳達同樣的訊息,讓我原本冬眠的虛榮心燃燒了起來。

Miss You is a term that easily causes misunderstanding. When I sign Miss You at the end of a letter, people will read it as a message that I miss them. Well, if this makes their day, I don’t mind at all. Over the past few weeks, I have the feeling that my life has been crammed with Miss You. When I walk on the campus, the girls I taught last year would shout from a long way off, “I miss you!” Or those who graduated many years ago would convey the same message indirectly. Oh, how these words make my dormant vanity burn again…

想念可以很大,也可以小小的,我喜歡小小的想念,當你對我說,你想念我每天早上走進教室的第一句話,我的語氣裡充滿陽光地說:Good morning everyone。我覺得很意外,是因為這樣簡單的原因被惦記著。

We can be missed because of many many things, or maybe it’s just a tiny detail. I like the latter. When you say to me, I miss the first words you said when you stepped into the classroom every morning. I miss how you said, “Good morning everyone!” with sunshine in your tone. I am surprised that I am remembered due to such a simple reason.


I know, I will be forgotten soon, but it won’t matter. Before that happens, you have warmed my heart.


Jackie said...

miss you dear...

像我介绍自己时,我都会说我是Jackie Chan的妹妹,Jackie Soo... 这样一来,大家就很容易记住我的名字了,呵呵~~~

喬西女王 Josie's wonderful world said...

Miss You,

I do really miss you. I am a fan of your blog. ccc..


shaggy said...



Weichuen You said...

Jackie: 哈哈,你真是幽默,我不會忘記你的。我如果叫Dear,很多人應該都去找垃圾桶了。

Josie: Then come all the time. I am in no mood for disappearing at the moment:-)

I hope you have found a job soon! Best wishes for you!

shaggy: 並沒有,我最近鼻子過敏好得很呢!


eL said...

Miss You! 哇,這么巧的呀.哈哈


Weichuen You said...


茗方 said...

開頭要寫Dear Miss You了:D

我真的原本沒有想到Miss You的意思

Weichuen You said...


Kay said...

Ms. You~
I miss you la~

Weichuen You said...

I miss you too!