Sunday, February 17, 2008

Impression / 印象


This winter I've seen the same style of houses in Da-xi and Fongyuan. The first time I could just walk by, ignoring the tickling longing in my heart. However, I couldn't let it go when the similar scenery was presented again in front of my eyes in the Green Corridor.


Drawing is a very private hobby, but sketching draws a link between me and strangers. Much as I want to forget the passers-by, I can't stop them from making all sorts of comments on topics from my appearance to my sketches. Thus, I become the "big sister," "miss," "mrs." in their conversation. The funny thing is, I am never invisible. I exist like any other human being in front of them, yet I am discussed so freely. Usually, in order to enter their inner worlds, I try not to be engaged in their talks. I at most smile to myself. When I put down on paper the impression of a certain scene, I am also listening to the impression I leave on others.


Liang-hui said...


Marc said...

You've left a great impression on your Internet followers, that's for sure. :)

C'est très intéressant de voir le "sketch" et ensuite la peinture terminée.

J'adore la façon dont tu peins les nuages et le paysage.

Weichuen You said...

time lag: 所以我知道路人的用心啦,只是要考驗我們專心不專心,想不到在路邊畫畫還有這種陷阱啊!

marc: Merci beaucoup Marc. Je ne dessine pas pour le monde mais pour moi-meme. Je ne sais pas meme qui visite mon blog!

Lorsque je suis motivee, je redessine ce que j'ai fait pendant une courte periode de temps. J'aime bien regarder et comparer les deux aussi.

Anonymous said...

上禮拜收到你寄來的日本照片,真是令人驚喜! 剛開學雜亂懶散的心情也為之稍稍振奮了起來。Many thanks. 今年夏天計畫到ㄧ直很想去的京都自助旅行, 期盼可以成行,也希望能有機會給你寄張明信片。:]

Weichuen You said...


Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

I like this one... makes me feel like I want to visit here and sit on the step and watch life go by...

Weichuen You said...

That's exactly what I did! The scenery was so peaceful, with cool breeze kissing my cheeks. Definitely a day to remember...

Anonymous said...


Weichuen You said...
