Friday, April 13, 2007

at school 1 / 學校裡的事 1


"School life is so boring…" This sentence says exactly what's on most students' mind. For teachers, no one would object to that. However, there are some teachers committed to making schools a better learning environment. This spring, our art teacher Bei-ling curated a small-scale exhibit for me. I especially adore the poster she designed. In the turquoise little house lives my dear rose. I think it is a perfect image for this poetic yet rainy spring. Thank you Bei-ling!


I did not mention anything about the choice of the theme for my exhibit. When I was selecting paintings, I thought of my students. They hardly go beyond school, bushibans and their apartments in their daily lives. They are weighed down by tests, textbooks and handouts. I want them to see the vast world they haven't explored and show to them how colorful it is. Lately I've been asked by some kids about the meaning of their existence. If they can take a glance at what I've experienced, perhaps they will have more passion for life.


This year I have felt much change between my current and past students. The former do not say out loud their dreams stupid as they may be. The reason is simple-they don't have any dream. I didn't find it remarkable at all when kids told me their great wishes innocently, but I do find it to be a merit now. Most people would say in a resigned tone that they can't even take good care of themselves in the present, let alone the future. Yet my question is, how do you survive without any dream? I am never a pessimistic person. Nevertheless, if my students are representative of the new generation, I am very worried about the future of this country.


I am a very ordinary teacher, but I have a big dream. I want to be more than a teacher, I want to become an illustrator. This dream motivates me to get up, work hard, and seize every moment in life. I have never thought about a dreamless life because that wouldn't be any life for me.
This spring, let's dream together and make our dreams come true step by step…


Marc said...

Wow. This is so touching. My eyes are all wet.

The situation with your students is not unique to your country. Young people sometimes need a little help from a person like you to light up their world and start dreaming!

Personally, what really helped me during my teenage years was a book: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens, by Sean Covey. I always recommend it to teenagers. If you're an adult, you should read The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen Covey. Good stuff.


harlequinpan said...




isay said...

"This spring, let's dream together and make our dreams come true step by step…" i like these sentences most shows how kind and generous and unselfish you are as a person. You are truly blessed Miragee!

Anonymous said...

很幸運地,你可以用畫來提醒激勵學生, 這世界上還有許多值得追逐,值得用心品嘗的事物!

Anonymous said...


Weichuen You said...

marc: Oh, I am touched by your reaction:-).

I was wondering if this phenomenon about young people's hopelessness has something to do with the educational system, but to be honest, I can't do anything to change the policies. So I figure the only thing I can do is to encourage kids to dream...

I'll try to look for the books you recommend. Thank you Marc!

Harlequin: 謝謝你,我當了老師好幾年才越來越喜歡這個工作,我想將來我也不會放棄,因為純藝術家的生活太辛苦了,我不適合。




isay: I don't think I am that good:-). It's easier to work with people who have vision and dreams. I have a whole heart of enthusiasm, but sometimes I feel very disappointed because I do not receive the same feedback from my students...

spookie: 我是最近這一兩年才學會和學生分享我做的東西,之前我一直覺得沒有辦法。大部分時候我還是用言語,你就想嘛,20個人裡有一個人聽進去,你就成功啦!我這幾年下來對自己和別人都越來越寬容了。


Anonymous said...

努力過每一天: D



Anonymous said...

在這裡能看到你的真名, 真是好真實呀.
我們不是因為春天才會做夢的, 在孩子的心中更需要夢想來支撐未來, 學習就在勾勒夢想中進行.
願你畫展成功, 夢想成真!

Unknown said...

miragee 小姐 請保持下去!你會發現在這個粗魯的世界!創作是一種優雅的姿態!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, miragee! We got the magazine yesterday! It is a nice magazine and we loved the article on your blog!

Callipygia said...

I love the poster too- And I have to say that you can never be an ordinary teacher! Your ultimate dream to be an illustrator is wonderful and you're obviously on your way there, but ironically I think in doing so you'll be teaching...about dreams and vision. It is sad to see people unable to look beyond survival towards creativity and hope.

Weichuen You said...



maki: 哇,我好喜歡你說的最後一句話,最近兩天腦海都會不自覺地浮上這句話呢!我想我不用迎合其他人的口味是真的很不錯。


johnny: 我以為自己的作品比名字更真實呢!現在的孩子夢想都在課本裡瓦解了,學習帶給他們除了迷惘還是迷惘。

louis: I am glad you like it!

Calli: Well, I am ok with that. I am dreaming all the time, even in teaching:-). I made a pretty good self-adjustment. In some ways it's good to meet the world part of the time and then come home to create the rest of the time...