Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Mount Ali Rules! 3 / 我愛阿里山 3

Chapter 3: Sunrise

Before leaving for Mount Ali, Mira's life was MORE THAN DARK...

She dreamed of the sunrise of Mount Ali and prayed that it would sweep away all her bad luck.

With hope, she fought all the way up to the mountain top just for the sunrise. "Go go everybody!”

at Season Star B & B
She couldn't wait to inquire about the sunrise with the couple friends.

The host: To see the sunrise, you'll have to get up at 2:30 am.

Mira: Well, that sounds fair.

The host: It takes 1 hour and half to drive from here to Mount Ali.

Mira: Kinda far...

The host: Afterwards, you'll have to take the little train to go up.

Mira: Wow, isn't that a lot of work...

The host: There are too many clouds tonight. Chances are there'll be no sunrise tomorrow.

Right when Mira was about to despair, the hostess rekindled her hope. "I have a good idea!"

The hostess: We'll see if the weather is fine tomorrow. If so, we'll go wake you up.

Mira thought, "That's fine…"

Before 30, Mira thought as long as she made efforts, she would get what she wanted.

After 30, she realized that life isn't so simple. Sometimes it's easier to go with the flow and spare herself all that heart-breaking drags...

6:45 a.m.

The host: It's time to go see the sunrise!

Mira: Hey, we might see the sunrise! Get up!

The four people got dressed in a rush and hurried to the top of the building.

The host: I think that's it. The sun is blocked by the clouds...


Anonymous said...

nice cartoons!

Anonymous said...

有種我的人生充滿著無限美好事物的感覺呢!! 哈 好愉悅

不過 今天沒有看到游小淳的爆爆頭
好失落唷= =而且這樣我們就沒法ㄦ跟你報告我們上禮拜整潔第二名的事了耶
噢 好失望唷~~~

Anonymous said...


Weichuen You said...

xazuru: Thank you. This is the first time my works are described as "cartoons.":-)





Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

c'est mignon, ton carnet de voyage!c'est pas mal de coller les photos et les dessins ensemble!

Weichuen You said...

mary: 旅行好像都會有一些心得衍生而出,就這樣把這些小事跡遺忘有點可惜呢!而且我很珍惜和這些人在一起的時光。

lilou: Ce court voyage m'a fait beaucoup de bien et j'ai recommence a dessiner. Je reve de pouvoir creer quelquechose aussi excellente que l'art de Loustal et les autres dessinateurs bien connus. Je pense avoir besoin de beaucoup d'exercises!

Anonymous said...


Callipygia said...

miragee, I like how the photos/drawings pop out of the paper, much like a memory surfacing from the mind. Nice work!

Marc said...

Wow! Nice blending of pictures, drawings, paintings,...!

Even with clouds, the sunrise looks good!

Weichuen You said...

lilou: 有,最近比較認真了。

Calli & Marc: Thank you. I happened to have some interesting photos, and I thought it'd be cool to make them part of my art. I've been working on the next episode and hope you'll come back soon:-).

Anonymous said...


isay said...

my gosh! you've been so busy! lovely illustrations!