Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Road trip / 公路旅行

圖畫到一半時,我已失焦。還好,這星期看的電影、讀的詩集很用力地把我拉回來。「依麗莎白小鎮」片尾的單人公路旅行、Elizabeth Bishop的「關於旅行的二三問」再再地暗示我要按耐住性子把畫完成。
Lately, the changes in my daily life have been so swift that my mind can hardly catch up with it. I drew at a snail pace, recording how I had felt several weeks ago. However, my attention was drawn away somewhere along the way.
In autumn, the golden leaves of sunshine falls everywhere on the small island, accompanied by cooling breezes. On one short road trip, I witnessed the beauty of this season through the car window and that reminded me of our road trip last summer. We set out in the sunset and drove around half of the island. We were greeted by the sun and the rain. We passed by the mountains and the sea. The fragments of these memories came back to me, like the rain of golden sunshine that fell on my face through the car window on a journey after more than a year. I felt the warmth from the past with my eyes closed. At that moment, I realized that I could finally look back with calm.
When I was halfway through with the picture, I could no longer focus on it. Fortunately, the movie I saw and the poem I read this week pulled me back. The solo road trip at the end of Elizabethtown and Elizabeth Bishop's Question of Travel kept hinting to me that I should concentrate and finish the image.
For the past ten days during which you heard nothing from me, let's say, I took a road trip to me and, I am fine...
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Unsaid tenderness / 不說出的溫柔

It's time to say goodbye again. He parks the car at the coach bus station next to Ching-hua University. At ink-dark night, both of you get off quietly. You walk to his side. Though you know well he's too shy to give you a goodbye hug, you still wish for it secretly. As you expect, you talk or gaze at each other. Neither of you hold out your hand, even though the feeling is so overwhelming. You say goodbye. His eyes follow you when you get into the driver's seat. You can still see his loving smile after you drive away.
You say, fortunately, you won't have to drive home alone in another three months. The big and fat moon in the sky wishes you good luck.
Even at ink-dark nights, the traces of unsaid tenderness are more than tangible. And his tenderness so moves me, when I don't think I believe in love anymore...
Sometimes I feel like sharing with you the anedotes behind my pictures. I have a lot to say regarding this comic strip. I was there to witness the story. In the beginning I planned three characters, me included, but then it occurred to me that my part was unnecessary. After all, I was already the narrator. Even though the characters and car are not well-drawn, I'd like to thank my extremely patient family for going down to the parking lot with me, following my instructions in posing. If you are the car owners whose cars were photographed by me on October, 8, don't take it too seriously. I am not paparazzi. I am just a very hard-working illustrator-to-be:-).
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Traveling in Taipei 17 / 台北城市生活旅行 17

Blackie is our school dog. It leads a super leisurely life surrounded by beautiful young girls and innocent little squirrels. One morning in early autumn, Blackie's world goes upside down. The big sisters no longer wear yellow shirts and black skirts. Everyone's uniforms have changed colors and patterns. There are even some tanned workers strolling around on the campus.
Blackie stands at a loss on the wide path. It wonders if this is a dream or reality.
For my babes that are trying hard to get used to their new life...
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Traveling in Taipei 16 / 台北城市生活旅行 16

Unbearable light of life
Early September. The sunshine was incredibly dazzling. That afternoon when I was about to leave the office, I received a call from a mother. She spoke in an extremely sad weeping tone. Her husband passed away suddenly in Mainland China and she hoped I could find her daughter in class XXX right away. All I had to do was tell her to go home immediately without revealing to her the reason. Wit the heavy task, I set out.
I ran to the building for her class and asked if she was around. Her classmate found her for me. She looked like a free little bird, innocent as ever. She was completely at a loss about her mom's request. However, we went take leave of absence together. On our way, the sun light almost blinded me, especially when I thought of the darkness that was going to devour her...
Note: Since I found this French girl's blog, I have started to dream of French comics again. I've come to have a general idea of how to draw comics. It's like making movies. Every scene is a subject worthy of being studied. This is my first comic strip. I'd like to draw comics on a larger scale in the future. Please give me some time for that...