Thursday, October 19, 2006

Road trip / 公路旅行



圖畫到一半時,我已失焦。還好,這星期看的電影、讀的詩集很用力地把我拉回來。「依麗莎白小鎮」片尾的單人公路旅行、Elizabeth Bishop的「關於旅行的二三問」再再地暗示我要按耐住性子把畫完成。


Lately, the changes in my daily life have been so swift that my mind can hardly catch up with it. I drew at a snail pace, recording how I had felt several weeks ago. However, my attention was drawn away somewhere along the way.

In autumn, the golden leaves of sunshine falls everywhere on the small island, accompanied by cooling breezes. On one short road trip, I witnessed the beauty of this season through the car window and that reminded me of our road trip last summer. We set out in the sunset and drove around half of the island. We were greeted by the sun and the rain. We passed by the mountains and the sea. The fragments of these memories came back to me, like the rain of golden sunshine that fell on my face through the car window on a journey after more than a year. I felt the warmth from the past with my eyes closed. At that moment, I realized that I could finally look back with calm.

When I was halfway through with the picture, I could no longer focus on it. Fortunately, the movie I saw and the poem I read this week pulled me back. The solo road trip at the end of Elizabethtown and Elizabeth Bishop's Question of Travel kept hinting to me that I should concentrate and finish the image.

For the past ten days during which you heard nothing from me, let's say, I took a road trip to me and, I am fine...


Marc said...

It's always good to hear back from you.

Those are very soothing illustrations... just what I need during this exam session!

Callipygia said...

Miragree, sometimes we need to take those "side trips". But selfishly I am glad you are back, I felt how much I missed your presence here!

Weichuen You said...

Thanks to both of you. It's nice to know that I am missed:-). I am working on my next piece, though it will take some time for me to post it. Trust me, I won't disappear for no reason...

isay said...

lovely thoughts. missing you my friend!

C. Robin Janning said...


Road trips are nice, especially when the end back home. Again, here is a lovely illustration of life that touches me.


Anonymous said...

年前SPRING BREAK時有機會去肯塔基的ELIZABETH TOWN參觀。因為是星期日的關係,整個DOWNTOWN竟像個GHOST TOWN一般,害的我們也不敢多留。還是電影裡的感覺比較好。


Weichuen You said...

Robin, thank you. Lately the idea of taking a road trip is a must when people fall in love. It's a journey that'll help them understand each other better...

Louis, 所以還是看電影就好了,電影拍得很棒呢!