Sunday, January 08, 2017

One thing to thank for a day / 感恩事項

知道House of Illustration和出版社Folio Society舉辦的經典書插畫比賽好幾年了,不過總覺得之前的書目很不適合我,今年開的是珍奧斯汀的曼斯菲爾德莊園,因為高中的時候很迷讀珍奧斯汀的原文書,所以不管怎樣,今年都要試試看。

I've known the illustration competition held by House of Illustration and Folio Society for years. However, I'd always felt that the books weren't quite suitable for me. This year the book is Jane Austen's Mansfield Park. Since I was very much into reading Austen's books in high school, I have a strong desire to try illustrating for the book no matter what. 


     Illustration, like many things, can be upsetting and pleasing at the same time. On the one hand, I am uplifted because of the goal, but on the other hand, I have to deal with my inner doubts since I am not sure of myself. 


     As I fluctuate between these opposite emotions, I read Yueh's FB page on which she listed one thing to thank for every day. In my case, I'd like to thank for the two beautiful bottles of ink, which help me find the way. 


     Last but not least, I have to thank Jane Austen. In fact, I've found tons of illustrators for her works! 


誠悅*千月 said...

Hello from the UK!
I'm so surprised to see my name on your nearest post( and a little bit shy as well, ha ha).

I'm preparing for my first presentation today. And I'd like to talk about you, my dear Miss You, as the person who influenced me a lot in my presentation.

Thank you for all you have done to me and your encouragements with love.
Good luck to your competition!


Weichuen You said...




constance said...

Is this a competition? Can't wait to see your illustrations - if that can be shared :)

Weichuen You said...

No problem, but my friend is still revising the images digitally for me:)