Thursday, January 28, 2010

Traveling with MY class V / 我和二善的旅行 (五)

親愛的二善 / My Dear Class


Paul Theroux said, “I sought trains; I found passengers.” For me, I did my job, but a whole new world has opened up before me because of my current class.


On the last night in the wooden cabin, we sat in a big circle, everyone shedding tears unceasingly. Even those who hadn’t wept began to choke with sobs halfway through their talks. I was the only calm participant. I am used to planning ahead, especially when it comes to giving a speech in front of others. Even if it might be an impromptu pep talk, I can’t live without an outline in my head beforehand. I want there to be a decent beginning, main body and conclusion. So I understand how much trust it requires for you to release your feelings without control!


Despite the fact that I couldn’t meet your emotional expectation, I’ve traveled with you much more than with my previous classes. This is our second year, and we have taken two big trips. In the coming three months, we are about to take even bigger journeys. How can I not feel for you? The longer we live together, the more memories we will leave, the more special you are to me.


About my current class, I haven’t had a chance to list how you inspired and moved me. With time passing, you’ll get to know. Toward you, I am full of gratitude. Thanks to you, I have twenty-eight perspectives, not to mention numerous opportunities to explore the new worlds.

我自己 / Myself


I didn’t cry when you cried your eyes out. Probably because I took the matter hard, I tossed and turned for a night when I lay on the hard wooden floor in the cabin. At one point, I finally figured out my tear jerkers.


The ocean writer Mr. Liao wrote in his essay, the male dolphin fish would follow the trapped female until the last minute. Then before she landed in the fishermen’s net, he would give her a tender look saying, “I’ll have to see you off here.” The imaginative story evoked tears of sadness from me. When Momo spent only two days with you and said that she wished you wouldn’t go away, her pure words touched me because only childlike souls can ask for something so big. When the coach bus was about to leave, the janitor of the school, accompanied only by two dogs, waved hard. I turned to Jane and told her that he would feel bad about our departure too. Jane replied in a very straightforward tone as if I didn’t see the whole picture, “Because he is lonely!” The old man made me feel like crying.


When it’s time to say goodbye, my tears won’t be absent. I know that anyone of you is no more than a passer-by in my life, but I can’t pretend I am not sad at that moment. While we are still together, let’s gather rosebuds and seize the day. Oftentimes I am silent, but it doesn’t mean I am not there.

結論 / Conclusion


Last year the ending shot of the trip was a boy’s crying face. This year, the girl on the bicycle waved goodbye and rode forward with such a beautiful proud face. How I love the scene! Even the farmers took a break from work and raised their heads to bid farewell. The montage serves as a perfect period to the trip.


Though we have to part eventually, let’s be part of each other’s life, even for just a short time.


PS: Coincidentally, Lydia appeared in my pictures whenever I took photos. Her face is too photogenic for me to do without. Here I’d like to express my heartfelt thanks…


Bean said...

我也不喜歡分別的場面, 甚至可以說其實很害怕分別的場面。
比較想要的是把時間花在對方身上, 而不是天天說我很愛你卻見不到對方... 要說再見的時候, 就算清楚知道都會一直在彼此心裡, 可是想到不能天天生活在一起了, 這還是有很大的不同啊!

Anonymous said...






Weichuen You said...

Bean: 可是你不覺得我們對住在身邊的人通常不怎麼珍惜嗎? 好像要來點距離才會特別知道對方有多重要!

Prince: 唉呦,你幹嘛把我內心的秘密都說出來:)這樣別人就會發現我一點也不冷靜了!


shaggy said...



Weichuen You said...
