Thursday, August 06, 2009

Me Gusta España, Me Gusta Shaggy / 我愛西班牙,我愛薛吉!


I’ve come home for a few days, but I had no idea what to write. There is just so much to say, but I don’t know where to start. Today I discovered in all that silence I had left behind, many friends sent in warm currents of concern. I guess I shouldn’t remain taciturn anymore.


This trip, in a few words, is the best trip in my life. We were showered with care and good luck all the way from Budapest by Carol, to Munich by our lovely hotel, to Spain by various kinds of people who gave us a hand. I want to thank those strangers we encountered. You will definitely show up in our future exhibit at the end of the year.


There were many recurrent themes on this trip. I constantly saw my past stories in others. Sometimes I really couldn’t curb the urge to go up to them and pat them on the shoulder, telling them that everything would be ok. On the other hand, thanks to my new companion, we had brand-new episodes. I started to take drawing seriously and let my heart calm down. I learned to “live” at my own pace on the journey.


I wrote in my travel log, “If you fall in love with someone, you have to travel together. When you travel alone, you see mostly outward scenery. With a companion, especially someone you love, you get to see scenery inside him or her. Then maybe we will learn to cherish what we have.”


So I can only say, “Me gusta España, me gusta Shaggy!” with my new Spanish passion!


shaggy said...

Ich lieb Wanda auch!

纖毛蟲 said...

上班前看到這一篇, 知道你們有個美好的旅行, 心情就好了起來. :)

Unknown said...




Weichuen You said...

Shaggy: I know:-)

Mr. Worm: Glad to make you smile!

Ms. Seaweed: You'll get to go one day!

spookie said...

Welcome back!
不曉的西班牙的太陽曬起來有沒有特別的感覺? =)

Weichuen You said...


純誼 said...
