I gave students a question about their hometowns in a paper last week. These sixteen-year-old girls had no doubts that their their hometown is the little island we dwell in.
The second baby in our family finally came a few days ago. It couldn't be more hectic in the household. Though the adults were so aware that attention has to be equally spent between the first-born and the new baby, it wasn't always a piece of cake. Von, the understanding big brother, managed to make it through for three days without his parents around. His experience reminded me of my summer camp days in childhood. My heart'd become bruised because I missed my parents so much. Sometimes I couldn't even repress the desire to cry, but for unknown reasons, I'd always believe that if I make it, life ahead would be so much broader. As neighbors and relatives, we cheerled Von with zest and showered him with compliments and encouragement. I forgot how it felt when my younger brothers were born, and it turned out that I lived through the same thing from this three-year-old.
Like a committed marathon runner, Von greeted us with heartfelt smiles when he got up during these three days. Then he made efforts to play so to forget the fact that his parents were away for the time being. He surprised us. This kid has a super old soul, which we have known for a long time. Still, we can't stop feeling amazed by his maturity.
Maybe on an evening after the sun set, he became kind of mushy. He said he missed mom. After shedding some tears, he moved on. Only late at nights, when I looked at the cars he had parked on the sofa, I could feel his loneliness. He and they wanted to conquer all the mountains and sea to reach his parents.
HOME for Von, is his parents. And Von for me, is my HOME.