Sunday, June 17, 2007

mumbling / 喃喃自語


There is a period of time each year when I feel like living without computers. Compared with many people, I do not rely much on the modern age technology. For example, I detest MSN to such an extent that I do not want to hear people talk about it. Lately, I've been more into reading books, sending real postcards than surfing the Internet and sending email. This has something to do with my preferences for old things. When I do not touch the computer, I can focus on the real life. I like that kind of pureness.


I don't think I have many regular visitors to the little room, but I feel ashamed about my willful laziness. I think of you from time to time, so I'd like you to know about this side in me.


During the past month, I was still drawing. I made a journal book about the Taipei city. It was originally for the contest held by the Italian brand of notebooks—moleskine. However, after I started the project, I realized that the purposes for making the book had changed. My best friend Liang-huei is about to head for the UK soon. Since last year, we've been to so many places in Taipei, and she has changed my outlook on life. I'd like to put all the memories into a book. Then it also dawned on me that I was recording my own life. Even though I was as tired as a dog after work, my conscience would take me to my desk. I would sit down and paint away the whole evening. I am glad that I persisted. I have to say that I feel a sense of loss after I finished the project, but I have other new challenges. I don't have time to be sentimental...


Sometimes I remain silent on purpose, but my blog records everything, including my quiet waywardness. Yet I am far from being stingy. I love to share my art more than anything...


constance wong said...

it's quite hard to be away from technology these days, unless one does it deliberately. Understand perfectly about this 'pureness' thing...

Really like the lightness of this painting...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...




Marc said...

Yeah, a break from the computer can be quite enjoyable sometime!

...but it's good to hear from you again!

Take care!

Anonymous said...


Weichuen You said...

constance: So I have to stay away from the computer deliberately:-). But sometimes that impulsive arises without my being able to control it...

monster: 謝謝啦!我並不是故意要叫大家都現身說,我也很享受當別人隱形的讀者。你的暱稱倒讓我想到我弟弟。

louis: 哈,我的書商不知在哪呢!好羨慕波特小姐啊!不過暑假會再試試看就是了。

marc: Nice to know that you've always been there. You know how I appreciate that...

Athena: 謝謝你啦!如果不想留言也可以默默地看,我都ok啦!這一陣子會積極一點!

Anonymous said...

  ▏ ◢◣  ▏   ▏  ▏
  ▏◢敬祝◣◢◣   ▏  ▏
  ▏  ●◢██◣ ◢◣  ▏
  ▏  ▏  ● ◢端午◣◢◣
  ▏  ▏  ▏  ◢◣◢██◣
  ▏  ▏ ◢◣ ◢佳節◣ ●
  ▏ ◢◣◢██◣  ●  ▏
 ◢◣◢愉快◣ ●   ▏  ▏

isay said...

thanks for sharing a part of your finished project. i hope you can share more of it in the near future. it is good to be away sometimes from using your pc....well, but not too long. we'll gonna miss you.

Weichuen You said...

johnny: 也祝你端午節快樂!

isay: Sure. It's just that I am totally satisfied with the book though I did spend some time on it. It's very sweet of you to say that:-). I'll try to post more often!

Callipygia said...

Oh I do understand having to stop with the computer, it takes so much time and I felt myself also taking a break! Good to see you taking care of yourself.

Unknown said...

Love your posting, beautiful illo!

Weichuen You said...

Calli: Thank you for being so concerned about me:-). I am doing fine, but there are many hassles to take care of. It does feel great to stay away from the computer though...

Alina: Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Dear miragee,
真希望自己是你的Norman Warne呢! 呵

Weichuen You said...

spookie: 大家都是我的Norman,沒關係,我覺得自己只要照著我的腳步慢慢地、有耐心地走下去,有一天就會得到我要的。起碼我因為這件事很快樂!

Anonymous said...

從第一次來這裡,就很喜歡這裡喔 ^^

Weichuen You said...

yiyibear: 謝謝你!我有時候覺得自己好像沒辦法成長得那麼快,但是總不能什麼都不做啊!


Anonymous said...

Few years back, I was in such remote place for week or so, where there is no electricity, just forget about pc. On the first two days, honestly it is difficult without it. Some how you are missing it. But then after that, I really enjoy going back to my books and other hobbies without pc. When I return to my city life, I didn't use pc for few days. But then you know.......

Uncle S.

Weichuen You said...

Uncle S.: So you are pretty fatalistic about our not being able to live free of computers huh:-). I understand that perfectly. Much as I don't want to depend on modern age technology, I actually benefit much from it. I guess there are pros and cons in everything...

How've you been? It is rather hot this summer isn't it!

Anonymous said...

Doing good thanks. Yes, it is? I believe the so called global warming is happenning !!!