Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Sukhothai / 素可泰


In the blink of an eye, it is already five months ago since we traveled to Sukhothai. Lately the memories have flashed into my mind. 


     On warm winter days in the tropical country, we sat under the pipal trees enjoying the cool shades, sketching and mumbling. 


     Or sometimes we just gazed at the huge Buddhist statues right in front of us. 


   How I miss being a carefree traveler! 

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Time to travel / 去旅行


While I should cool down in scorching summer, I am constantly running. However, in making the boys participate in a drawing contest, I benefit from the freshness of their works. Von draws the memory of traveling to snowy Hokkaido in winter. 


     Kai draws a trip which we have not heard of. He says he visited a volcano somewhere. I am amused by his creativity. 


     Next, it's my turn to travel to cool North Europe!