Monday, April 21, 2008

Hungarians / 匈牙利人

在最近一封我和「小房間」的駐布達佩斯代表─匈牙利小姐的通信中,她引了這麼一段話來說明匈牙利這個民族:當美籍義裔的物理學家、同時也是諾貝爾獎主Enrico Fermi〈1901-1954〉,被問到他是否相信外星人的存在時,他回答:「他們就存在於我們之中,但是自稱為匈牙利人。」想了這段話好幾天,這個圖面就浮現於我的腦海。

In my latest correspondence with the rep of Little Room from Budapest--Miss Hungary, she quoted some words to describe the Hungarian people. When Enrico Fermi (1901-1954, Italian-American Nobel Prize winning physicist) was asked whether he believed extra-terrestrials existed, he replied, "They are among us, but they call themselves Hungarians." This quote obsessed me for a few days, and then voila, here is the image...


Anonymous said...


Weichuen You said...


Anonymous said...

hey! my dear Miss. You
you may have known this news already
I just can't help telling you again that I just received the permission from the college which I want to enter so badly yesterday!
It is obvious that I'm really excited right now.
I'm goning to major in Phsycology and cousultling.
(btw,"major in",you were the very person who taught me this phrase,haha)
it is because i want to improve my English writing,i type English
the last but not least, i really love this picture:)

Weichuen You said...

Dear Monster,

Yes, "someone" told me about it yesterday. Congrats! In fact, you are going to the university right across from my apartment. We can have a cup of coffee when we have time!

I am very happy for you! You can draw as much as you like from now on! And don't forget to share your works with me!

Unknown said...

挖 外星人耶!

Weichuen You said...

maki: 是啊!不過他們在現實生活裡是偽裝成人的!

Anonymous said...

hi,everyday OT, I almost going insane, but ur blog always de best place for me to rest a while,love ur blog~ have a nice day:)

Weichuen You said...

Thanks bartender, but don't forget to take a break. With it, you can go further! Take care!

darkdarling said...

Hey, this is cool!
Interesting, indeed. I used had an idea that I was one of alien as well. Cause I'm so not familiar with this planet we ever lived.

Peace out!

Weichuen You said...

Hi Darkdarling, how've you been? Hum, sometimes when I do not feel at ease with a group of people, I think of myself as an alien too...