Friday, November 02, 2007

the "mature" travelers II / 熟齡旅行團之二


On a certain weekend, John, who was rather bored, felt the desire to take a short trip again. In light of the crowds we ran into on the trip to Jingshan last time, I gave him a difficult question. This time we gotta choose a spot rarely visited. As the head of our think tank, it didn't take him a long time to figure out a place that could meet my demand. So without further ado, Sharon and I got in John's professional coach car and set forth.


On the drizzly Saturday afternoon, we three headed for Xi-tse. The further we went, the fewer people we saw. John chose White Cloud Summerhill School for us. Well, to be honest, I am not so passionate about education, but I was rather curious about this kind of free schools. It wouldn't hurt to find out how to carry out the ideals of education by living away from big cities. Yet as we got close to our destination, there was hardly any car passing by. Such a life is quite secluded, I thought to myself.


When we were about to get off the car and take a closer look, the guardian dogs lunged forth. Seeing us approach, they barked like crazy. Born with an innate fear for dogs, I didn't feel like going in there anymore. Even Sharon, who is hardly afraid of anything, ran for shelter. Only the brave John insisted on going nearer. He even thought of talking to the teacher on duty with his "special" status. What could we say? He is always so devoted to education.


Bombarded with orders from me and Sharon, John didn't have any choice but to get in the car. Our field trip was sort of disappointing, but I took it as a message from God--Put aside the issues on education on weekends. After all, the future days are long!


Anonymous said...




Weichuen You said...




Liang-hui said...

果然不是每個人都可以加入the mature travelers的行列的,目前的行程都有很戲劇化的發展,但當很有"娛樂笑果",下次要不要考慮問問sharen的主意呢?

Weichuen You said...
