It might be our short outing to Tamsui in early July. The entrancing sunset has stayed in my mind since then. Or it might be the trip to China soon afterwards. Lately, I’ve been obsessing about Bishop’s verse: And have we room, for one more folded sunset, still quite warm? from the poem Questions of Travel.
Aug. 12, 2010
After the showers in the sultry afternoon, the sky cleared up with a transparent kind of beauty. We raced on the highway like a small car in a gigantic oil painting of nature in which the sunset beamed with fire-red glow. We weren’t going on any thrilling night adventure, but it was no less than a trip. I felt as much excitement and anticipation about what we were going to see.
It was already dark by the time we reached another city. Fortunately, we made it to the visit hours of the newborn wards. I got to meet you though you weigh only 2100 gram, living in the incubator, breathing kind of unsteadily. Something stirred in me when I saw your tiny body, big nose, slender fingers, and semi-transparent toes. And I kind of felt like crying seeing your fatigued mom and her struggles along the way.
Bishop’s question comes back to me. Yes, I always have room for one more folded sunset. Moreover, I am going to give you the sunset of your birthday as my present of our first encounter. We both have a long way to go, and the sunset is not the end.
多麼溫柔美麗 我的心頓時豁然開朗起來
Nana: 你現在就是要抱著這種心情走下去喔!我希望你知道,我很為你開心!
謝謝淳 我很開心 你也要一直抱持這種美麗的心情喔
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