Saturday, September 02, 2006

Traveling in Taipei 9 / 台北城市生活旅行 9



The secret of the back balcony

The summer rain lasted for a whole night. I didn't sleep very sound. In my dream I could hear raindrops patter on the window panes. When I woke up at five in the morning, it had stopped raining. Yet the air was full of that familiar sultry smell.

An interesting image flitted in front of my mind's eye. I took up my camera and went to the back balcony. Through the lens I saw lines of clothes. They revealed the traces of my new-born nephew. His mini clothes, mini socks and large towels were hung everywhere. In the picture I was going to take, the dark brown facade of the apartment filled most of the space. I could see only a very limited part of the greyish blue sky after the rain. This picture was ordinary, even ugly.


Then I thought of an image I kept encountering when I traveled in Italy two months ago. People hang their clothing outside the apartments whose lovely facade colors become gorgeous backgrounds for the flying clothes. No matter how the color combinations are, every scene is a fabulous postcard that amazes people. If I had been there when I was younger, I would have said, "How lucky I'd be if I could live in such a colorful place!" Now, I am still touched, but in the meanwhile I miss my hometown whose palette is never more than the three colors of black, brown and gray.

法國插畫家朱亞(Andre Juillard)心儀美國畫家哈波(Edward Hopper)的作品,前者說,後者的畫給人們的重要啟示是,即使看來最為平凡無奇的景觀,必有其神秘與詩意的一面,我在兩者的作品中體驗到平凡的美好動人之處。因為他們,我也開始追逐不起眼的畫面,於是逐漸愛上生活在台北城市。

The French illustrator Andre Juillard is a fan of the American painter Edward Hopper. The former said that Hopper gave him a very important lesson. In every unremarkable scene, there must be something mysterious and poetic about it. I experienced the beauty of being ordinary in the works of both artists. Because of them, I started to capture images considered common. Because of that, I gradually fell in love with living in Taipei City.


isay said...

hi my friend! i like this post a lot thanks for sharing this. i thought i have learned a little more about you.

have a nice weekend

Weichuen You said...

Thank you Isay:-). Nice to have you back!

C. Robin Janning said...

Your postcards are always a delightful way to start the day -- or refresh a day gone too long! Your art, the story, and the message -- that we are surrounded by beauty, all we must do is see it -- is timely. As always -- a pleasure.

Anonymous said...


Angela Wales Rockett said...

Great drawings! Great post! I think a big part of the artist's job is to notice the extraordinary in the ordinary, the beauty in the everyday - and your work does that so well.

Mary said...

Lovely sketches! The colored on is an eye treat.

Weichuen You said...

Thank you everyone. I think there's something really cool and worth recording in everyday scenes!

Callipygia said...

I like the story very much and appreciate the two images as a diptych. The story and colored version enrich and color "the ugly" one!

Anonymous said...

That is indeed "ugly sublime"!

I prefer the first one!

Marc said...

I prefer earth tones myself, so I guess I'd like Taipei City! :p