Sunday, November 06, 2011

outside the window / 窗外的風景


While I was buried in my dodo bird research, a very beautiful image jumped into my view as I raised my head. Quite sentimental though. It does remind me of Romeo and Juliet, which I have been watching this weekend...


  1. Its like a movie!! Lovely one :)
    I've got a beautiful Sunday here in Jhongli,too. The campus is filled with families and kids instead of miserable students having midterm next week (too bad!), there's even a vendor selling kites at the front gate!

  2. Yeah, and I wasn't looking forward to it:) It's a stage in front of my window, and I get really good stories going on every day!

    Haha, if you study way before the midterm, you won't be miserable:)
