Sunday, November 06, 2011

screen printing / 網印


I had the screen printing workshop this past Tuesday. I didn't prepare an image beforehand, so it was rather hectic on the spot. Still, I learned a lot.


The most complicated part about screen printing is that if there are too many layers of colors, it requires sophisticated skills to position the paper. I didn't even have a perfect image. In the end, I kind of gave up on myself and applied the paints directly onto the paper. I called myself the queen of imprecision!


I colored in the black and white version with other media afterwards and did collage. This gave me a good time too! 


I've been reading the book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and this quote reminds me of my current life. Some really good things have happened over the past two days, which makes me relate to the words. 


Yesterday while I was waiting for the bus, I was lucky enough to see a firework show in the distance. I guess it was because yesterday was the memorial day for those who passed away in the first World War. However, for me the fireworks were like a miracle that dropped from the sky. 


Correction: Many people did wear poppy flowers in memory of their ancestors that died in the first World War on Nov. 4, but the Bonfire Night of November 5 is a celebration that originates from history. In 1605, the main plotter of the Gunpowder Plot Guy Fawkes was captured, and the bonfires were lit to celebrate the survival of King James I. It has been observed since then. 


I doodled during the bus ride. Every day I see my change in the pictures I draw. How nice...


  1. Jasmine10:13 AM

    Miss You妳這份網印的圖案是什麼主題啊?

    最後那張I cant catch my shadow有妳之前給我們看的陳志勇風格耶!

  2. Jasmine: 唉呦,就是一個不知道自己美麗的人啊!因為我們必須在半個小時內生出一張圖,我就草草畫了一張。

