Monday, November 07, 2011

my dodo bird / 我的豆豆鳥

羅夫史戴曼之豆豆鳥於「絕種鳥之魂」展 / Ralph Steadman's dodo bird at the exhibition Ghosts of Gone Birds 


I went to the exhibition of extinct birds recommended by Jake. It took me more than one hour to find my way in Shoreditch. Once I even took the opposite direction, but luckily, I still ended up finding the gallery. Despite the getting-lost part, I had to admit that I am extremely thankful to Jake for telling me about the exhibition, or I'd still be working on the robot now. Ralph Steadman is a famous illustrator whom I've got to know only recently.  Looking at his dodo bird, I couldn't help thinking of Jake's words, "You draw your kind of robot, which is good too." 

我在這裡過著非常「環保」的生活,但唯一難忍受的是看到同學們拿出各式各樣的顏料,或者當我去到美術行時得深呼吸保持冷靜快速走出,跟自己說只要有創意的靈魂,就可以把有限的媒材做無限使用。但這個星期無數人和我提到Cass Art的打折商品,我有一種忍不住的衝動了。

I lead a very "eco-friendly" life here, but my only temptation is when I see others take out all sorts of paints, or when I go to an art supply shop, I have to take a deep breath, keep calm and walk out asap. I will brainwash myself by saying that as long as I have a creative soul, I can make countless use of limited media. However, this week too many people had mentioned to me about the sales in Cass Art, and I couldn't control myself anymore. 

我心想那就避開Cass Art,想不到去我家附近的Cowling & Wilcox,可能和Cass Art在互相競爭,價錢更低,而墨汁組幾乎是每個藝術主修必備的工具,我決定不壓抑了。

I thought, ok, then I should avoid going to Cass Art, but when I went to Cowling & Wilcox in my neighborhood for a bottle of fixative, the prices are even more competitive probably because of the competition with Cass Art. Ink set is almost every art major's prerequisite tool. I decided to go for it. 


I had drawn the dodo bird for a whole day. After I tried the ink, I had the feeling that tools can help me so much in achieving my goal. I captured something I couldn't with other media during the day. This is not my final version, and I'll soon think I can do a much better job, but for the time being, it is MY dodo bird! 


  1. 豆豆鳥是長得和鴕鳥一樣大的那種嗎?

  2. 等妳學成歸來
