Monday, January 16, 2012

The birthday trip / 生日旅行


Sunday is Jazel's 21st birthday. This might be her only birthday we can celebrate together, so we'll do something special together. This is Camberwell at 7 am. 


Exactly. We are traveling to Shakespeare's hometown, Stratford-Upon-Avon. Though it says that the train will arrive on time on the bulletin board, in fact, it is eventually cancelled. We have to jump on a train that heads for Birmingham and transfer from there. 


The train is crowded, and some people are playing card games. 


Though the sunshine is bright, the temperature drops below 0 Celsius degree. There is frost on the ground, and we guess that many train rides are influenced. It's a lot of fun to hear the conductor broadcast. He talks in such a manner: We'll probably arrive in Birmingham at eleven something, and the reason why I say "probably" is that...The words such as "possibly," "probably," and "maybe" are very typical of the British way of life. 

這是中繼站Leamington Spa。

This is the stopover Leamington Spa. 


We arrive at about 10:50 am, but the next train to Stratford-Upon-Avon won't come until 12:17. Right when we go to the exit to ask if we can go out of the station for a  look, there drops a miracle from the sky--the train master named Mark says we have to wait there for him to arrange a taxi for us. He is unlike those in the Marylebone Station in London who have no idea why the train is cancelled or what they should do. However, the taxi that he books for 11:00 doesn't arrive until 11:45.There are about a dozen passengers waiting together with us, and luckily we are all very easygoing. When the taxi shows up, Mark is so angry that he tells the driver off. He is really one of the few upright British people I have ever seen. 


Here we are at Stratford-Upon-Avon! 


The ode written to Shakespeare. 


The Saturday market. 


The apple tree we came across. 


There are traces of Shakespeare everywhere in this city. 


Shakespeare's portrait drawn by the illustrator Ralph Steadman.


Shakespeare's birthplace. 


The streetscape. 


Nash's House was bought by Shakespeare after he made a fortune in London. 


There is a huge garden at the back of Nash's House. 


The sunset. 


I've been wanting to try traditional afternoon tea, and today there's finally a perfect reason. 

嘉蕊挑的這家Church Street Restaurant在裝湟、服務和價錢上都令人讚不絕口,也提供住宿。嘉蕊邊吃邊說:和你在一起真的是太幸福了!

The Church Street Restaurant, picked by Jazel, is highly satisfying in terms of decor, service and price. Lodging is also offered. While enjoying the tea, Jazel can't help uttering: I am so happy being with you! 


Because the trip is too beautiful, we both worry about having to go back to London. 


On our way home, I go to the supermarket to buy a bottle of mulled wine. The cashier asks to see my ID. When he sees my birth year, he is stunned. Jazel asks him how old he thinks I am. He replies, "20." Jazel says, "You are younger than me!" 


I find the surprise after I take out the postcard bag at home. The anonymous drawing of Shakespeare reminds me to think of my existential problem in London...


shangyu said...

太棒了,看著妳所拍的莎翁故鄉照,也讓我有了重遊舊地的興奮感,提到Birmingham和Leamingham Spa,就會想到以前常去那裡逛街購物,感覺離Coventry和University of Warwick越來越近了 :)

Weichuen You said...


Grace Tan said...


The Spooning Recipes said...

Birthday trips can create lasting memories.