Sunday, July 14, 2013

Unique wedding gift / 特別的結婚禮物


One of the most popular posts on my blog is about wedding gifts. Because of that, I can't help thinking about what kind of gift I'd like to have, but the truth is, if I am lucky enough to run into a very good person and get married, that will be a perfect gift for me. That said, I still want to send my best wishes as a guest and friend when it comes to others' weddings. 


   Susu and her other half are into jogging, which thus becomes the theme of their wedding gift.


   Stars and the sun feel their joy of love! 


   When I glimpse at the TV news today, the show host asks the famous Japanese star Fukuyama Masaharu in the interview if he feels like getting married and being a father. He answers with a positive look on his face saying: I am looking forward to that every day. I can't help smiling to myself thinking, "How nice. At least there's someone out there feeling the way I do." But before that happens, I want to feel others' joy of finding their beloved ones and having children. The happiness in this world always opens up its arms for me. 

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