Monday, July 15, 2013

Paper 2 / 紙的饗宴 2

昨天回憶倫敦GF Smith的紙品,雖然台北找不到類似的紙,不過我們有別款令人驚艷的產品。前兩週托小蕙的福,可以去長春棉紙藝術中心大採購,真不是普通的幸福。

Yesterday I was reminiscing paper of GF Smith in London. Though I haven't found equally good paper of the same kind in Taipei yet, we do have other amazing choices. Thanks to Hui, I could go on a very wild shopping spree for free in Ever Prosperous two weeks ago. I must have accumulated thousands of brownie points to deserve this. 


   To buy as much as the money's worth, we selected so many kinds of paper that we came close to taking everything in the shop home. The ladies were really nice, which made us feel like going back there in the future. 


   God and everyone around me have prepared the tools I need for me. It's my turn to put them to good use. To be honest, that's the biggest challenge! 

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