Friday, April 27, 2012

Sunshine! / 雨過天晴


One day I was sitting at my desk in no mood for doing my assignments. I was so bored  that I began to play free tarot card reading online. One of the cards Justice said, "Because you have done too many good deeds, now it's time for everything to come back to you. You'll be led to success in the end." 


The same evening I received two email which so excited me that I couldn't fall asleep that night. Because of my industry report, I have to email four practitioners to see if they can spare time for me for short interviews. I had found certain names, but I was not sure if they would be willing to do so. I forced myself to send an email to the generic email address of House of Fairy Tales. Deborah Curtis, one of the artists that are in charge of the museum, got back to me very soon afterwards. Since House of Fairy Tales hosts some activities in Kent this coming Saturday, Deborah said that I'll have many artists to interview then. 


Another email was about the postcard I sent in for a competition last week. The Corinium Museum wrote to tell me that my work has been chosen and that it will be published in the book as well. I was invited for the private view on May 4. Though this competition based on the theme of Best of Britain seems to give out a prize to everyone that participates in the contest, this is a trace, however small it is, that I leave in the UK! Meanwhile, Jazel and I can travel somewhere again. 


This week when I sent email to artists or practitioners, I always got nice replies. Today I mentioned House of Fairy Tales to Lu, she said, "If I don't remember it wrong, Deborah and Gavin (Turk, the other artist in charge of the museum) are going to have their wedding this coming Saturday. It will be held at the same time as the activities." What? I am going to a wedding without my even being aware of it? How amazing! My impression of the polite yet distant Britons turned out to be SO WRONG? 


Lu told us that she had invited Emily, the education manager of House of Illustration, to give us a talk last week, but the latter turned down because of lack of time. I felt like giving it another try, so I sent her an email asking if I could interview her in her office. She said two illustrators will come in around mid-May to share their experiences with us, BUT she offered to meet me in her office in May and show me the physical outcomes of the illustration projects done in schools! I bet God wants me to leave with good impressions of the UK. I do have the strong feeling that my accumulated brownie points are being put to good use! 


If I had known that the darkness and tears would result in bright sunlight, I should have cried more! 


  1. 真的是標準的苦盡甘來。本來不是很懂開場的第一張圖,看到最後一段覺得妳的邏輯太可愛了!前面苦多一點後面的甘會不會甜一點呢?

  2. Anonymous12:31 AM

    WOW~ I am glad to hear great news from you! Congrats!

  3. Anonymous12:32 AM

    Ps. the anonymous one is Ning...

  4. shangyu3:36 PM

    真的是太讚了,好心畢竟還是有好報的 :)

  5. Patty:那會不會是因為之前太想不開了呢?

    Ning: Thank you!

