Thursday, April 26, 2012

Rainbow maker / 彩虹製造機


Lately we have been experiencing a rainy London spring. Every evening after my walk, I take home with me fallen petals and leaves stuck to the soles of my sneakers. The Internet was disconnected for two days in Brooke Hall. I was thus able to focus more on my assignments and reading. Luckily, the rainbow maker from Caterina adds colors to my little room. 

嘉蕊和我就在寒冷又淒涼的雨中唱起「Singing in the Rain」‧‧‧

Jazel and I are not baffled by the icy rain at all. We still walk in the rain and wind. Finding the spring rain and sunset so poetic, we can't help humming "Singing in the Rain" like two happy madwomen...

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