Tuesday, October 25, 2011

remembered drawing I / 記憶畫法(一)


This is the beginning of our third week of the drawing month. Today we had to turn to our memory to draw the image on an A1-size paper. Everyone would get a kind of animal in London Zoo. We had to attempt to express the texture or its features of the animal. Matt said, for example, don't just draw clouds when you get sheep. Just after he finished these words, we went forth to draw a lot. I got sheep. Elie got bat. She said that she always gets dark topics. It didn't occur to me that there was a point why I got sheep until my hands ached from drawing all those curls. Don't I just love to draw curly hair?


The teachers wanted us to think back on our experience with the animal. I went to Cingjing Farm several times and fed the sheep. After I drew them, Vicky came to say, "The sheep's face are so human. They will give me nightmares!" Then Xin came to say, "The sheep are so wild, and some of them look like wolves." I replied, "Animals mix beyond their races too." In the end Matt said he likes it. But when I wanted to put it up on my wall, I realized that the image will give me a nightmare!


Today our section was very Chinese. Aidan and Joe drew and had their first a-Chinese-sentence-every-day lesson. We started from "How are you?" and then they couldn't stop practicing. Aidan's animal was tiger. After I taught him how to say "tiger," he made a  sentence, "How are you tiger?" Liwen, who sat next to me, and I couldn't help laughing like lunatics. 


Students are not stingy with paper at all in studios. I am wondering if others also think like me--we should get our money's value in every aspect. Usually at the end of a Monday, everyone gets either exhausted or crazy. However, my favorite part is, though it seems that many of us are sick and tired of drawing, we will go together to get a brand-new sketchbook in order to start the assignment of this week. 


Can I love someone like that? 


  1. shangyu9:28 PM


    當然有可能以那樣的全心全意去愛一個人啊!時候到了就知道喔! :)

  2. 有人那樣愛你也不錯~

  3. shangyu: 我真的是虧待那些羊了!


  4. 動物都蠻逼真的ㄟ

