Thursday, October 27, 2011

the present moment / 當下


Last week I thought way ahead of now. After a weekend, my mindset completely changed. I just want to live at the present. When I am filling the sketchbook, I'll plan the next image. Thus I have to constantly remind myself that if I am not 100% committed, the viewer will feel my distraction. 

昨天和朋友約在鬧區Picadilly Circus,一下車我就捧著速寫本到人群聚集的噴水池前畫畫,說不同語言的人潮在我身邊流過,然後等人的人都和朋友走了,天黑了,空氣裡有冬意,我卻沒有羨慕那些看起來很幸福的人。

Yesterday I waited for my friend in Picadilly Circus. Right after I got off the bus, I walked right to the fountain with the sketchbook in my hand to draw. Around me walked by tourists who spoke all sorts of languages. Those who had been waiting for their friends left one after another. The sky turned dark, the air tasting of winter. Yet I didn't envy those who looked happy. 
